Why do rotten eggs?

To see rotten eggs in a dream is a symbol of trouble, and to understand this, one does not need to be a seer. The egg is a symbol of life, of rebirth, and if it is spoiled in a dream, it is necessary to correctly interpret this sign and take appropriate measures.

What does a rotten chicken egg look like?

Black rotten eggs in a dream - a warning not only about the coming trouble, but also that, despite all the efforts, adverse consequences can not be avoided. But this does not mean that you have to reconcile yourself to wait for a problem, "to lay straws" is still worth it.

For a pregnant woman to see in a dream rotten eggs - a warning about health problems, both in her own and in the child. In this case, do not interfere with the examination with a doctor.

To throw in a dream rotten eggs - the risk of waking to lose something valuable. If a rotten egg is dreamed of a person in love, it means that, most likely, the object of love is insincere or pursues a selfish goal .

If a rotten egg in a dream is broken, it can mean:

Why do boiled rotten eggs dream?

The businessman, who saw in his dream cooked foul eggs, should refrain from serious transactions, tk. is extremely large risk to run into rascals or lose money because of force majeure. In extreme cases, it will be superfluous to insure - in addition to check the contract with the lawyers or insure the cargo.

A lot of rotten eggs - raw and cooked - can mean the moral fall of the one to whom they dreamed. Only one unseemly act of a dreamer can change the attitude of many people towards him, and a reputation will be very, very difficult to restore and self-respect.