Milk for slimming - prescription

Among the means that struggle with excess weight, I would like to highlight milk - the favorite drink of the English. In official medicine it is recommended to use it for people with kidney, heart and nervous system diseases. Many breastfeeding women drink milk with tea to increase lactation. Today, the recipe for milking for weight loss is not a secret and everyone can prepare it themselves. According to the existing information, the unloading day for tea with milk helps to get rid of 1-2 kg.

The structure of milk is tannin, which greatly simplifies the process of assimilation of milk fat, and it also protects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Milk with tea can be drunk after training to lose weight and replenish the body with the necessary proteins and other useful substances. Thanks to the presence of milk, the drink helps to get rid of hunger for a long time. Milk possesses a diuretic property, which allows you to remove excess fluid from the body and get rid of swelling. The composition includes vitamins and other beneficial substances for the body.

Recipes for milking for weight loss

There are several options for making this drink, which are tasteful, which will allow each person to find a more suitable option for themselves. Molokochai can be cooked in large quantities. You can use black and green tea, which is useful for losing weight. As for milk, it should be pasteurized with a minimum fat content, up to 2.5%. Different recipes of tea with milk for weight loss:

  1. You need to bring 0.5 liters of milk to a boil and cool to 70 degrees. After that they should pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tea and leave to infuse, and then, drain.
  2. Again, boil 0.5 liters of milk and pour 1 teaspoon of green leaf tea. Leave the drink for 20 minutes, so that it is infused, and then strain and you can drink.
  3. Take 1.5 liters of milk, heat it to 80 degrees and fill it with 3.5 teaspoons of green tea. To insist the drink should be 15 minutes, and then strain it.
  4. Tea with milk for breakfast can be prepared according to a recipe popular in the UK: pour milk into a preheated cup, and then add brewed tea (1 teaspoon of tea with 150 ml of water) to it, keeping the proportion 1: 2.

To improve the taste of the drink you can use honey, meliss, mint, cinnamon and vanilla.

How to lose weight with milk?

A very popular milk diet for 10 days: 7 of them are basic, and 3 preparatory. In the first three, the body cleanses of toxins and toxins. During this period, it is necessary to exclude all foods and drinks from the diet. The menu of each day consists exclusively of 1.5 liters of tea with milk and 2 liters of water. The total amount of milk should be divided into parts and drink it every 20 minutes. 1 tbsp. In the menu of the following days you can add products with low calorie content, and, of course, to drink tea with milk. The menu may look something like this:

There are other diet options, for example, unloading days helping to maintain weight in the norm or get rid of 1 kg. You can spend them once a week. In order to reduce the caloric content of the diet and activate the fat burning process, you can replace dinner with 1 tbsp. milking. Such a diet helps not only to get rid of excess weight and cleanse the body, but also to make the skin more clean and radiant.