21 brilliant reincarnation cosplayers Alison Tabitha

This girl proves to everyone that we can always become someone we just want.

It seems that there is not a single character in which Alison Tabith could not turn. Love for reincarnations the girl inherited from her mother, who adored to change into famous characters herself and regularly dressed up her daughter. It's no wonder that after growing up, Alison started cosplay professionally. Since 2014, she regularly participates in thematic events. And always her costumes fall into the top of the most memorable and masterfully executed.

She can become Jack Sparrow, Edward Scissorhands and reincarnate in the anime heroes "The Last Fantasy". Talented make-up and high-quality costumes made it popular not only among cosplayers. On the page of Tabitha in the "Instagram" signed more than 200 thousand people. And that's how Alison pampers his fans:

1. Captain Jack Sparrow

2. Edward Scissorhands

3. Lilah Dallas, "The 5th Element"

4. Lestat, "Interview with a Vampire"

5. Girl Titan, "Attack on the Titans"

6. Gaara, Naruto

7. Skeleton Dragon

8. Vincent Valentine, "The Last Fantasy"

9. Yuna, "The Last Fantasy"

10. The fatal widow, "Dozor"

11. Lightning, "The Last Fantasy"

12. A Widow, "Watch"

13. Queen Padme Amidala, "Star Wars"

14. Rikku, "The Last Fantasy"

15. Miss Atomic Blonde

16. Payne, "The Last Fantasy X-2"

17. Lightning, "The Last Fantasy Xiii

18. Elf

19. Lulu, "The Last Fantasy X"

20. Aranea Haywind, "The Last Fantasy of Xv"

21. Elizabeth Swann, "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Even if you do not know any of these characters, do not doubt: it looks exactly the same as in the photo, or maybe even a little better. After all, Alison is a true master of his craft.