Parsley for weight loss

If you decide to reduce your weight, use parsley as an assistant.

Why can you lose weight with parsley?

Parsley helps to lose weight for the reason that it refers to the so-called products with "negative" calories.

The "negative calorie" diet is based on the theory that some foods, during their processing and digestion by the body, cause energy expenditure that exceeds their own energy value.

That is, the number of calories that such products provide to our body is less than the number of calories that the body spends on digesting them. These products are characterized as products of high specific dynamic action, or, otherwise, products with negative calories.

Common properties of such products:

For our weight is the decisive number of those calories that we absorb throughout the day, and not those that we get. Therefore, regular consumption of products with "negative calories" contributes to an easier achievement of a deficit in energy balance and leads to a loss of body weight.

Please note that the body burns more calories when we eat food in a raw and solid form, and significantly less when we eat food cooked, wiped, semi-liquid and liquid. For example, when we eat fruits as a whole, we burn 25-30 calories, and when the same fruit we consume in the form of juice, less than 5 calories are burnt.

That is, a different way of consuming the same products can make a significant difference in calories, which, in the final analysis, are absorbed and converted into extra pounds. Therefore, add to your salads and side dishes more raw parsley.

To lose weight, you can also use a drink prepared from parsley.

Decoctions and infusions of parsley

They are suitable for weight loss due to their diuretic properties. Particularly careful decoction of parsley should be taken in the presence of edema caused by cardiac or renal insufficiency.

To prepare a decoction, one handful (30 grams) of dry leaves should be poured with 2 cups of cold water. Close and leave on a small fire for 20 minutes - not bringing to a boil. Strain and drink one cup three times a day. Vitamin C is completely destroyed during the drying process, but the remaining substances remain intact. For this reason, dried parsley is also effective for weight loss.

To prepare the infusion, you need one handful (30 grams) of leaves or roots of parsley for every 2-3 cups of water. Boil water and pour the parsley. Close the container tightly so that as little air as possible can enter it and insist at room temperature: leaves - 4-5 hours, roots - 8 hours.

Infusion of parsley will be more effective - and for weight loss, and for health in general, as in the process of its preparation from the plant a greater number of therapeutic substances.

The root of parsley is suitable not only for weight loss, it can be used for diseases of the bladder. This is back in 1629, wrote the botanist John Parkinson - in one of the recipes, which he prepared for the Queen of England. Leave the roots of parsley for the night to swell in water, and then in the same water boil. Such a method will strengthen the action of the plant.

In conclusion, I want to add that absolutely no food or product does not have the property by itself to reduce our weight - including parsley. Any program for weight loss must necessarily include a well thought-out balanced diet. Therefore, simply enrich the diet suitable for you with parsley.