Feast of Ramadan

Muslim traditions are often similar to the traditions of Catholics and Orthodox. Just like Christians, Muslims hold fast, but instead of Easter they have their own holiday, called Ramadan. The history and traditions of the holiday, of course, differ from Christian, but the meaning remains the same - to show tolerance, strong-willed qualities, to strengthen faith and rethink the way of life.

Ramadan: history and traditions of the holiday

The date of Ramadan's offensive is determined by a special commission of theologians. Approximately this happens on the 9th month of the lunar calendar, and the day is selected according to the position of the moon. When Islam was just emerging, the Ramadan holiday was in the summer months, which was reflected in the name and means - "feverish," "hot." According to the legend, during the night of Ramadan, the Prophet Muhammad received a divine "revelation", after which he entrusted to him the mission and gave the people the Koran. It is believed that during this period, Allah decides the fate of people, so all Muslims honor and observe the conditions of the holiday.

Throughout the month, Muslims are fasting ("uraza"). There are basic rules that need to be adhered to during uraza:

  1. Give up water and food. The first meal should take place before dawn. Lunch and all kinds of snacks are completely excluded, the liquid in any of its manifestations (pure water, compote, tea, kefir) can not be consumed during the day. Dinner is at a time when "the black thread can be distinguished from white."
  2. Abstinence from intimate relationships. The rule applies even to spouses who are legally married. During fasting, it is undesirable to engage in affection, exciting partners.
  3. Abstain from smoking and taking any drugs. You can not also get into the body of steam, cigarette smoke, floating in the air, flour and dust.
  4. You can not lie while swearing in the name of Allah.
  5. Do not make enemas , chew gum and specifically induce vomiting.

Compared with the Christian Great Post, the rules are rather tough and difficult to implement. However, there are exceptions for those who, at the time of the fast, travel, are ill or have certain circumstances, are not able to observe strict taboos. In this case, the missed days are transferred to the next month. Many people at the time of fasting become non-energy and non-initiative. The owners of companies complain about the reduction in the volume of work performed and the overall decline in the pace of business development.

As the Muslim holiday of Ramadan is celebrated

Some people believe that the holy festival of Ramadan means adherence to the strict rules of fasting and is often asked the only question: what, in fact, celebrate? However, the apogee of the celebration falls on the end of the post, which is listed as Ramazan Bayram. The celebration begins on the last day of the month of Ramadan at sunset and lasts 1-2 days of the following month. Upon completion of the collective prayer, Muslims organize a festive meal, during which not only relatives and friends are treated, but also poor people on the streets. An obligatory condition of identity is the distribution of alms, which is listed as fitra or "charity of the completion of fasting." Fitra can be paid by products or money, and its amount is calculated depending on the material well-being of the family.

If you find yourself in the Ramadan holiday in a Muslim country, try to show respect for believers and observe restrictions in public places. Restrictions do not apply in your private room or apartment. In the light of day, restaurants and cafes mainly work "for delivery". The exception is the restaurants of hotels, where the entrance is only covered with a screen. Of course, such restrictions apply in countries with a strong religious policy to Iran, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan.