Fish Telescope

Aquarium fish telescopes or water dragons are a kind of goldfish , care for which is very difficult. And, if you want to purchase telescopes, you should know that they will constantly demand your attention. Telescopes are scaly, which are distinguished by metallic luster and scales, which are divided into monochrome and calico. These fish from others are distinguished by the convexity of their eyes, which is of the most diverse form. It is the eyes of these fish - the most vulnerable place, so the arrangement of the aquarium should be safe for the eyes. No stones with sharp edges, only ground. For the soil suitable fine river sand, which like to rummage telescopes.

Contents and care of aquarium fish of telescopes

Fish are very sensitive to lack of oxygen. They love clean water. Therefore aeration and constant filtration of water, its substitution, the most important conditions for their maintenance. A slight turbidity of the water or algal bloom can lead to the death of fish. Telescopes love heat. Transfer the temperature of water 12 - 28 ° C, but better 26 ° - 27 ° C. Acidity pH 6.5 - 8. Water hardness of telescopes is not demanding.

To feed fish small telescopes are unpretentious. If you feed your fish with live food, it must first be frozen. Dry food should be given no more often than once a week. Telescopes are very fond of plants, this must be taken into account when planting the aquarium. Algae with soft leaves will be circled, so it is better to plant plants with stiff leaves and strong roots. From plant food telescopes are given duckweed, wallysneria, salad.

Fish telescopes are gluttonous, prone to obesity. They are fed no more often than 2 times a day, sometimes they are made with unloading days.

Aquarium fish telescopes - reproduction

The aquarium for spawning should be 50 liters and more. One female is selected and two or three two-year-old males are separated for 2 or 3 weeks before spawning. Spawning is best done in the spring. The water in the spawning must be fresh and soft with a temperature of 3 - 5 ° C higher than in the general aquarium. Better than 24 - 26 ° C. Active males chase females that throw caviar, scattering it along the aquarium into algae. At the end of spawning, the fish are removed from the aquarium. Malek appears after 2 - 5 days, born weak. The best food for him is "live dust" or special feed. Malek grows unequally, so to avoid cannibalism it is sorted.

With whom the fish telescope gets along, it's just like a water dragon. They are very slow. Because of this, they are offended by smaller fish. Haratsin fish can stop telescopes fins. And cichlids and fighters even suck their eyes.

Fish telescopes live up to 30 years, but how much they live will depend on your care for them.

Aquarium fish telescopes and their diseases

Goldfish are sick with diseases of freshwater tropical fish. These are various bacterial and fungal diseases, as well as infection with parasites. The cause of the diseases can be stress or trauma, water pollution in the aquarium or poor-quality food, lack of oxygen.

Fungus manifests itself in the form of various growths, white or gray. The appearance of a fungus is a signal to check the quality of water.

Parasites that infect telescopes can be anchored worms, laying eggs in the skin. They look like threads. Their habitats are infected. Under the skin parasitize the flukes in the form of nodules. Other parasites are the fish louse, the crustacean is the carpoeid, the black spot.

Among the simplest are ichthyophthirius and chylodone. Symptom is the opacity of the skin, similar to salt, acting as an irritant.

Goldfish are characterized by eye diseases. If you observe a thorn, cloud or cloudiness, you need to pay attention to the quality of food or water.

They also sometimes have constipation or swollen the body. Symptom of diseases is unusual swimming of fish. A lack of oxygen causes the telescope to rise to the surface of the water.