Body Types

Knowing which type of build your figure belongs to is very important. This will not only allow you to choose the right diet, find well-seated clothes, but also better understand the characteristics of your structure. Only having such knowledge, you can successfully emphasize the virtues and hide the shortcomings, forming your ideal image.

Types of physique according to Kretschmer

The classification, including the three types of physique, which the scientist E. Krechmer singled out, gained high popularity. In his view, the three types of physique look like this:

  1. Picnic type . This is a so-called stocky figure with moderate shoulders and a tendency to accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Such people are credited with a cyclothymic temperament: such a person is open to communication, simple and natural, sometimes prone to excessive activity.
  2. Asthenic type . This elongated silhouette: a thin, tall figure, narrow shoulders and chest, poorly developed musculature. Such people are credited with a schizotemic temperament: these people take everything to heart, are self-contained, contradictory and romantic.
  3. Athletic type . These are people who are heroes. They are tall, muscular, long arms and legs, broad shoulders, large features. They are characterized by an epileptoid temperament: they are energetic, passionate, attuned to setting and achieving a goal.

These types of build are more likely to describe men than women. Interestingly, this is one of the few classifications that links physical data to temperament and character.

What are the types of physique according to W. Sheldman?

The most popular classification divides people into endomorphs, mesomorphs and ectomorphs. In general, this classification repeats many similar ones, but is more suitable for women. This classification will recommend the necessary sports load.

  1. Ectomorphic type of physique . They are tall, fragile people with thin bones and undeveloped muscles. Most of the top models have exactly this type of figure - it easily allows them to stay in shape for a long time. However, it is very difficult for such people to develop their muscles. Their wrists in the circumference are always no more than 16 cm (for women). For these people, there is no need for aerobic training - they need to deal with scales to gain muscle mass. Increase the load is not due to repetition, but by increasing the weighting. Recommended training at a fast pace.
  2. Mesomorphic (normostenic) type of physique . These are average people. They are of medium height, not thin and not full. Often have an athletic figure. It is on them that the standard clothes are sewn. They are not too inclined to fullness, but they can improve with age. Their wrists are from 16 to 18.5 cm (for women). For such people it is important to regularly change the training program - once in 1-2 months. Only in this case their body will continue to develop successfully. In the first few months of training, it is recommended to train all muscle groups and only after that go to the load of only 2-3 muscle groups per workout.
  3. Endomorphic type of physique . These are broad-boned people with undeveloped musculature. Their body is soft and bulky, usually they are not able to cope with excess weight, quite full. They easily gain muscle mass if they exercise regularly. The wrist in the girth is more than 18.5 cm (for women). For such people it is very important to give the body aerobic load as often as possible, which allows to disperse the metabolism and more actively develop the areas of fatty deposits.

If you regularly exercise, then to whatever type your figure is concerned, you will always look great!