Exercises after childbirth

Exercise after childbirth is not only a necessary element that allows your figure to become better and more beautiful in a relatively short time, but also a way to relieve postpartum depression. Women who help their body to recover in this way, as a rule, soon get a good state of health and a cheerful mood of the spirit.

Exercises for recovery after childbirth

Physical exercises after childbirth, which can be performed in the early period, are very limited. And for those who have experienced difficult births or a cesarean section, even such options will not work. The simplest and most accessible exercise, allowed to perform even in the first two weeks after delivery, is "belly breathing":

  1. Lie on your back, with your legs bent, and your feet do not tear off the floor. Deeply inhale through the nose, and by performing the exhalation, properly draw in the belly. The abdomen is held in this position for 5-7 seconds, and then breathe as usual. After that, the stomach must be relaxed, and the exercise repeated. At the first stage, 8-10 repetitions are enough, but with time this number needs to be increased until you reach 25 repetitions.
  2. After a week, the exercise will work out quite easily, if you are engaged every day. When you feel this, complicate your task: on exhalation, not only strain the press, but also tear off the buttocks from the floor, while keeping the waist pressed to the floor. This exercise should also begin with 10 repetitions and reach up to 25 in time.

This exercise is recommended for execution from the first day after birth until two to six weeks. It will help strengthen the muscles of the press and soon recover.

Exercises for the chest after childbirth

Phys. exercises after childbirth must necessarily cover the area of ​​the chest and shoulders, as the changes affect this area. Usually only a few exercises are enough:

  1. Standing or sitting on a chair with a flat back and a tight belly, spread your elbows to the sides and to the levels of your chest, clasp your hands in the lock. Press your palms against each other, holding the moment of tension for 5-7 seconds and relaxing. Repeat 10-15 times in two approaches.
  2. Stand with your face against the wall, your feet shoulder width apart. Perform slow push-ups against the wall, while making sure that the elbows are parallel to the body. Repeat 10-15 times in two approaches.

Kegel exercises after childbirth

You must have heard about the exercise of Kegl after childbirth. This exercise trains intimate muscles, restores the area of ​​the pelvic floor and thereby helps in a rapid recovery to restore the female organs: in any position, you need to squeeze the muscles of the vagina, as if you were finishing urination, hold the voltage for 3-5 seconds and relax. Repeat the exercise 20-30 times.

Any complex of exercises after childbirth is simply obliged to include such exercises. However, if you performed Kegel exercises during pregnancy , then you probably felt their help in the generic process.

Exercises for the back after childbirth

In order to strengthen the muscles of the waist, it is important not to neglect such a simple Exercise: lying on the right side, pull the left leg forward, leaving the right one in line with the trunk. Place the right hand on the left knee. Take your left hand as far back as possible, turn your head and left shoulder in the same direction. Tighten the muscles of the back and pelvis to increase twisting. Then repeat for the other side. Execute the exercise 5 times in each direction.

Such exercises for a figure after birth will not take up much of your time, and you can perform them even if you raise a baby without the help of nannies and relatives. Despite the fact that they all seem very simple, you probably will quickly notice the effect.