Is it possible to eat corn on a diet?

There was a conviction that boiled corn is inappropriate for a diet, because of its high calorie content. But it is this indicator that makes it most useful if you decide to start a diet. How did it happen that it was compatible, it would seem, incompatible?

Why is corn useful?

But it turns out that it is due to a significant amount of calories in this product (120 kcal / 100 g), saturation is achieved much faster and persists for a long time, which is of significant importance for those who are on a diet. And, of course, the complex of vitamins in this grain culture works for our health.

  1. It contains vitamin A , which helps hair to be healthy and silky, and also has a beneficial effect on the skin and nails.
  2. Vitamin E detects its antioxidant qualities, protecting the cardiovascular system and suppressing free radicals. He is an excellent protector of the body against premature aging.
  3. It has vitamins H and B4, which have a positive effect on metabolism and regulate blood sugar levels.

Despite all the useful properties, the question whether it is possible to eat corn during a diet, remained open until real results were found. So, by consuming corn, if you "sat down" on a diet, you can:

In addition, the consumption of this culture in boiled form significantly facilitates the state with various liver diseases. And if everything is in order with the liver, the corn will act as a preventive remedy and protect it from the occurrence of serious problems, having a beneficial effect on its activities. Thus, the question of whether cooked corn is useful in a diet is allowed positively.