How to lose weight with green coffee?

Many people, in an effort to speed up the acquisition of harmony, accept various supplements. Now green coffee has become very popular. This product is the same coffee, to which we are accustomed, but without the frying phase. It is the heat treatment that allows the grains to have a "coffee" color and aroma, so many people who first saw a more natural product are very surprised. We will try to figure out whether it is possible to lose weight with green coffee.

Is green coffee helping to lose weight?

At present, most of the research on green coffee has been carried out by companies that are engaged in its production and marketing, so it is difficult to talk about the reliability of the results. In addition, experiments were put by foreign scientists and they preferred to give their wards not a drink, but an extract of green coffee.

However, the results of such studies are positive: without additional measures, the weight decreases quite slowly, but when dieting you can lose weight by 4-5 kg. per month. This was clarified during an experiment in Japan, where volunteers took coffee and ate in accordance with a diet prescribed by a local nutritionist.

Thus, the question of whether you can lose weight on green coffee, the answer is positive, but with the caveat: you still have to revise your diet and give up the sweet, fatty and floury. If you eat wrong, it's hard to expect positive results - or the weight will stay in place, or the changes will be too small. Given the fact that green coffee - a product not cheap, you are unlikely to be pleased with the pace of weight loss per 1 kg for 1-2 months.

How to lose weight quickly with green coffee?

So, we have established that you can lose weight from green coffee, and now consider how it should be done. In order for changes in weight to occur really quickly, it is necessary to connect and proper nutrition and exercise three times a week. We suggest taking coffee in a safe dose, 3 times a day - with breakfast, between breakfast and lunch and as an afternoon snack.

As a sport, absolutely any intensive options can approach: running with acceleration, running up the stairs, jumping rope, any kind of aerobics, including aqua aerobics, dancing, circular training in the gym. If you do not have the opportunity to go to a fitness club, do it three times a week for an hour at home. For this you can download on the Internet or buy video lessons shaping or dancing. The main thing is to practice regularly!

If we talk about nutrition, then everything is simple: you need to exclude harmful and high-calorie foods. These include all sweets, pastries, flour products, fast food, fried and fatty foods. All the rest is there. An important rule is not to overeat. If you get up from the table with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, you stretch the walls of this organ, and this provokes increased hunger and increased amounts of food that you eat at a time.

Consider an approximate diet, adhering to which, you will quickly and effectively lose weight.

  1. Breakfast - a dish of two eggs, or a packet of 1.8% curd a, or a serving of porridge, green coffee.
  2. The second breakfast is a cup of green coffee.
  3. Lunch is a light salad of fresh vegetables with lemon juice and butter, a serving of soup, a piece of bran bread.
  4. Snack - any fruit, a cup of green coffee.
  5. Dinner: meat / poultry / fish with vegetable garnish, or a portion of a dish of beans, or a portion of cottage cheese.

This diet can also be used after the end of losing weight. In this case, 1-2 times a week you can afford a little sweet or other harmful, but favorite food.