Barbus of Schubert

Fish, which appeared in Russia just over fifty years ago, received their name from the man who first described them - Tom Schubert. Barbuda Schubert - a small, but nice, peaceful and mobile fish, which is very fond of living in a pack. Therefore, the Schubert barbs should be planted in an amount not less than 8 individuals.

Barbus of Schubert - content

Barbus Schubert is not particularly fastidious and refers to the category of fish that even beginners can handle in this matter. The most important thing for these barbs is that the aquarium should have at least 50 liters for a pair and preferably an elongated shape (they need room for movement). The optimum temperature regime is from 18 to 23 ° C, but, they say, under natural conditions, they can survive and 10 ° C. It is necessary to provide for filtration and aeration. The substitution of fresh, standing water should be done once a week at a rate of 1/5 of the total water volume. Plants, for an aquarium with barbs of Schubert, are selected by low and able to withstand the lack of light. This is due to the fact that fish of this species are best seen in water bodies with a moderately lit front wall, and a darkened back.

Feed the barbecue of Schubert can be any food: live (tube or bloodworm), vegetable (it can be small-leaved algae, or crushed leaves of cabbage or salad), and also dry or combined. In addition, the Schubert barbeque can be fed with grated cottage cheese.

Settling in an aquarium with Schubert barbs is permissible for any other non-aggressive fish. But with vealechvostami it is worth to be very careful, because the barbs are used to pull their fins.

Barbus of Schubert: breeding

It is easy to breed these fish. Sexual maturity of the barber of Schubert reaches 8-10 months. Somewhere one week before the alleged start of the spawning of the Schubert barbs, the producers should be seated in separate ponds and not very abundant, but varied in variety. The spawning grounds should provide for at least 30-50 liters of elongated form. At the bottom of the aquarium a separating grid or plants with small leaves are laid out. Due to the fact that parents can easily eat their own eggs, counting them as food, the thickness of the layer of water in the spawning grounds should not exceed 8-10 cm. This is necessary for the eggs to fly to the bottom and "hide" under the net or leaves. The water in the spawning grounds should be 25-28 ° C and necessarily fresh (of course, fixed), since this is an additional stimulus for reproduction.

After the necessary conditions are created in the aquarium, the male and the female are put in there in the evening. And the very next day the multiplication of the barbs of Schubert begins, which lasts several hours. At one time the female can postpone the order of two hundred eggs. After finishing the procedure, adult fish from the spawning grounds should be removed and replaced with 20% water at a fresh, appropriate temperature. The incubation period of fry is about one day. And after the fry begin to swim they should start feeding. A food for them can be a powdered dry mix, infusoria or nauplii crustaceans. As fry grows, the size of the feed, as well as the size of the aquarium, will need to be increased. And grow a barber of Schubert can be up to 10 cm in length, although it is in natural conditions, and in an aquarium these fish reach only 7 cm. The average life expectancy of fish of this species is from 3 to 4 years.

So, if you do not perform the most difficult of the above rules, aquarium fishes of the barbecue of the Schubert will certainly please their owner, and they will not bring much trouble.