Fish for an aquarium

Aquarium fishes are the most convenient kind of pets. Such a living space will be an ornament of your room and will not take up much space. There is a wide variety of aquarium fish.

Types of aquarium fish

In size, small and large fish are divided. Big fish are an ornament for an aquarium. Watching such species as the brindle Oscar, the Moorish idol, the surgeon fish, the spinor clown, cichlids are a huge aesthetic pleasure. They live much longer than small fish, but they also require special care.

On the habitat of fish for the marine aquarium and freshwater. Marine aquarium inhabited by such handsome men: Chinese perch, lion's scorpion, fiery angel, zebrasoma and others.

The content of these fish has some difficulties, but with modern technical support, marine aquariums are gaining popularity. Fish for a freshwater aquarium are represented by such specimens as: discus , lion-headed cichlid, fish-knife, goldfish , cichlazoma-northum. They are no less beautiful than the sea ones. And their content is much simpler - just suitable for a beginner.

The temperament of fish is divided into peaceful and predatory. Peaceful fish for the aquarium have a timid temperament, live collectively, it is better to buy several pieces. Such individuals include: guppies, blue, red or black neon, fire tetra, honey gourami, filomena.

Among the predatory inhabitants of the aquarium are: cichlasma, spinover, astronotus, piranha. They have an aggressive nature, and can not get along with all the inhabitants of the aquarium. For example, piranhas do not get along well with the rest of the fish. Predatory fish quickly grow, they need an aquarium of at least 300 liters to inhabit.

There are fish that come to help in cleaning the home of a mini water body. These are fish cleaners - useful inhabitants for the aquarium. These include catfish, especially ancistrus and gerinoheylus. They eat vegetable food, have a mouth-sucker, eat plaque and fouling on surfaces.

Before you start fish, you need to learn all their features and compatibility. Some individuals like to be at the bottom of the aquarium, others are hiding in the thickets. Optimal will combine fish, which prefer different layers of water, so you can fill the entire space of the aquarium. Breeding aquarium fish will allow to have in the apartment an island of wildlife, which will give joy and pacification.