How to clean the vessels of the brain with folk remedies?

If there are atherosclerotic plaques or a layer of salt, fat, cholesterol on the brain suction vessels, the blood flow is disturbed. This can lead to a deterioration of memory and concentration of attention, attacks of angina and chilliness of the extremities. To avoid such problems, you need to know how to clean the vessels of the brain folk remedies.

Quick cleaning of vessels with folk remedies

With the help of folk methods, you can quickly cleanse the sperm from cholesterol and other deposits. Than it is possible to clear vessels of a brain? Garlic and lemon will help you. Garlic has an excellent anti-sclerotic property and cleans the body of cholesterol, and lemon juice significantly improves the elasticity of blood vessels. To clean:

  1. Pass through the meat grinder 4 heads of garlic (medium) and 4 lemons (preferably with skin).
  2. Fold the mixture in a 3 l jar.
  3. Fill all with warm water to the edges of the container.
  4. To insist this means it is necessary 3 days, and to accept on 100 g three times a day. The course of treatment should be at least 40 days.

Do you have a strong allergy to lemon? Then how to clean the vessels of the brain? Make an alcoholic tincture of garlic:

  1. Pour 150 grams of garlic (refined) 150 ml of vodka or alcohol.
  2. Close the container tightly and insist all 10 days.
  3. After that, strain the remedy and after three days begin the treatment: take a tincture of 1-2 drops, adding them to water or milk.

Herbal preparations for cleaning vessels

To clean the vesicles, you can also use herbal preparations. They will help to quickly and easily reduce the level of bad cholesterol. To herbs that cleanse the vessels of the brain, include:

Of these, it is best to make infusion. To do this you need:

  1. Mix 100 grams of all herbs (dry).
  2. Pour all 1000 ml of water.

Drink it 10 ml in the morning on an empty stomach.

Also, to cleanse the blood vessels of the brain, you can use tools such as:

  1. Infusion of bay leaf - 7 leaves pour 300 ml of boiling water, insist hours 4 and take 100 ml per day.
  2. Infusion of pine needles and rosehips - 5 tablespoons. needles (ground) mixed with 20 g of rose hips (finely chopped) and 5 g of onion husks, pour 700 ml of boiling water and infuse for 12 hours. Drink 0.5 liters per day.
  3. Nastoj from a walnut - 1,5 kg of walnuts (cleared and crushed) accept within 2 weeks, washing down with water.
  4. Infusion of lemon, horseradish (fresh) and garlic - grind 250 grams of ingredients, add 700 ml of water. Take it three times a week for half an hour before meals.