But-spa - contraindications

But-spa is a very popular antispasmodic, which can be found in almost any home medicine cabinet. They are saved with headache, abdominal pain, pain with menstruation. Also No-shpa is widely used to reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. However, no matter how effective and safe the drug is considered, No-shpa is still a medicinal product that has a number of contraindications and side effects.

No-shoe properties

But-shpa is a drug from the group of myotropic antispasmodics, the main active ingredient of which is drotaverine hydrochloride. This medicine reduces the tone of smooth muscles, relaxes it, expands the vessels, due to which the anesthetic effect is achieved. In this case, the drug has no effect on the nervous system.

But-shpa is used to treat and prevent spasm of the smooth muscles of the internal organs (liver, kidney, intestinal colic), to relieve pain in duodenal ulcer and stomach (as part of complex therapy), diseases of the bladder and urinary tract, head and menstrual pain .

But-spa - side effects

Side effects when using no-shpy are very rare, in about 0.1% of cases:

When the drug is overdosed (especially with intravenous administration), abrupt arrhythmia, a sharp decrease in blood pressure (up to collapse), depression of the respiratory centers and development of atrioventricular blockade can occur.

But-spa - contraindications for use

The drug is not allowed if there are the following factors:

Since No-shpa in tablets contains lactose, it is contraindicated in individuals with galactoseemia, lactose deficiency, or glucose / galactose impaired absorption syndrome.

The use of No-shpa in ampoules is contraindicated to allergy sufferers and people suffering from asthma, since it contains bisulphite, which can cause an acute allergic reaction, up to anaphylactic shock.

In addition, there are a number of cases in which the use of the drug is not contraindicated, but requires caution. In such situations, No-shpa is used only according to the doctor's prescription and when the probable benefit from its use is higher than the possible harm:

But-spa - contraindications in pregnancy

About whether Nosha can harm the future child, the opinions of doctors differ. In some countries of Europe it is forbidden to prescribe to pregnant women, however, clinical studies have not shown that taking this medication anyhow affects the development of the fetus.

On the other hand, No-shpa is an effective antispasmodic, which helps to reduce the increased tone of the uterus and prevent the threat of miscarriage, so doctors often prescribe it to women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Thus, in the absence of diseases of the liver, kidneys or other obvious contraindications, taking No-shpa in pills by pregnant women is possible, but only within the prescribed dose and at the prescription of the doctor.