Tablets Venarus

The most effective venotonic and angioprotective medicament means today is Detralex. But this imported (French) drug has too high a cost, therefore instead of it tablets of Venarus are often appointed. They are absolutely indistinguishable from Detralex in composition and mechanism of action, as well as help from thrombosis and venous stasis, but they are much cheaper, almost 2 times.

The composition of tablets Venarus

The described venotonic is a complex agent consisting of two active components:

Joint use of these ingredients allows to achieve reduction of venous stasis, extensibility of veins, permeability, fragility of capillaries. They significantly improve blood microcirculation, lymph flow, increase the vascular resistance to damage.

These properties of the drug cause and indications for its use:

How correctly to take Venarus pills from varicose veins and hemorrhoids?

Capsules should be washed down with a sufficient amount of water, about 1 cup.

In the treatment of varicose veins on the lower extremities, the recommended daily dose of the drug is 2 tablets. Each of them must be drunk during the meal, the first - at 12.00, the second - in the evening, at dinner.

For the treatment of mild forms of venous insufficiency, it is possible to reduce the dosage to 1 tablet. But it will have to be broken in half, for 2 admission.

If Venus is used in the treatment complex from hemorrhoids, it is prescribed according to the scheme:

The specified quantity of tablets should be divided equally on 2 receptions. They should be drunk in the morning and evening, during meals.

How much is the total course of Venarus treatment?

The medication in question does not produce an instantaneous effect, since noticeable improvements occur only when a therapeutically significant amount of active ingredients is accumulated.

Thus, the course of therapy for varicose veins is 2 months. For the entire treatment period, 60 or 120 Venarus pills should be required, depending on the prescribed daily dosage.

To alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids, a week's course of the drug is sufficient, but proctologists recommend taking Venarus for about another month.