Fast sling

Slings - one of the most modern devices for carrying children - have recently become more popular. Slings are of different modifications depending on the model, the way of dressing and the location of the baby in it ( May-sling , sling-scarf , sling with rings , backpack-sling ). Today we will discuss one of the types of slings, which, according to many mothers, is the most convenient of all such transfers - it's fast sling. He is a kind of May sling, but he does not have long straps to tie, which is often very inconvenient, especially if you do not have anyone to help or you want to put the baby in a position "behind your back".

This sling looks like a rectangle of fabric, to the bottom of which are sewn short straps (they are fastened at the mother's waist), and to the top - long ones (they are worn on the shoulders, crossed and fastened to the side edges of the sling). Having a sling, you can do any work around the house with the baby, which is very, very convenient. Also, the advantage of slings is the possibility of walking without the use of a stroller: this can be useful, for example, for a trip to the clinic.

Fast sling is a convenience for the mother and, importantly, comfort for the baby. Fast-sling may seem like a kangaroo backpack, but it differs from it in that in a sling the child is in a more physiological position, and the load on his spine, unlike kangaroos, is minimal. Therefore, if you are wondering at what age children can be worn in a fast sling, you can not worry: as soon as the baby starts to confidently hold the head, gets a little stronger and will try to adopt a sitting position (which usually occurs at the age of 4 months), you can boldly put him in a sling. Use it can, according to the instructions, up to 3 years, but this moment each mother determines for herself, and usually from the slings are abandoned much earlier, as soon as it is no longer necessary.

How to sew a fast sling with your own hands?

1. Select the fabric for the sling. It should be tight and not stretching: the ideal option will be corduroy, denim or cotton fabric. Take into account also the color range of your clothes and the season when the sling will be used (for the summer it is desirable to take the tissue easier).

2. Make a paper out of paper for fasting sling. In the photo it is given with approximate dimensions. If your child is large, you can increase these figures by a few centimeters.

3. Transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut. You should have 5 parts:

4. Sew each one in turn, laying a layer of sintepon between the back parts and fixing the ends of the straps inside. Keep in mind that the pattern is given with 1.5 cm allowance for seams.

How to properly fast sling?

Fast sling, as was said above, is good in that it can be easily and quickly clothed by means of zip fasteners. Do not need to tie knots for a long time and ask for help from strangers: fast dresses quickly and easily! The child in it can be worn in various positions: it can be located in front of the mother, on her thigh or even on her back! Let's look at how you can dress fast sling yourself (the "baby in front" position).

  1. Take the sling and fasten the bottom straps behind you.
  2. Now, put the child to his face so that he would wrap his legs around you. Roll the sling back up.
  3. Throw the upper straps over your shoulders.
  4. Fasten them, cross-wise.
  5. If necessary, adjust the tension of the sling straps and give the child a more comfortable position.