Redness of the eyeball

Almost everyone faced such a phenomenon as the redness of the eyeball. It appears in the expansion of blood vessels. Redness not only does not look very aesthetic, but also brings a certain discomfort.

Causes of redness

The main causes of redness of the eyeball are:

In these cases, you should not worry. Over time, everything will pass. But the redness of the eyeball in one or two eyes can be signs of disease. It occurs with such diseases as:

  1. Blepharitis - blush eyes with lefarit, as the hair bulbs of the eyelashes become inflamed. With this disease, purulent discharge and unpleasant itching are observed.
  2. Conjunctivitis - arises from the ingress of bacteria or viruses onto the mucosa. Sometimes it is an allergic reaction to any drug.
  3. Uveitis - with this ailment, the vessels of the eyeball become inflamed because of the presence of autoimmune infections in the body.
  4. Glaucoma - a strong reddening of the eyeball appears in such a disease due to a sharp increase in intraocular pressure.

Treatment of redness of the eyeball

Treatment and prevention of reddening of the eyeball should be started after finding out the cause of its appearance. If it was caused by trauma or mechanical damage, antibiotics should be used. It can be:

With redness of the eyeball after overwork, it is possible to use drops that exert a narrowing effect on the vesicles. The best help is:

Compresses are the safest means to help get rid of redness. Tampons moistened with chamomile or oak bark, as well as ice cubes or raw potatoes are applied to the eyes. Those who have such a problem after being in direct sunlight without glasses, it is worth using artificial tears for treatment. These are the drugs Oxial and Systemin.

Diseases that cause redness, are treated only under the supervision of a doctor and often require immediate hospitalization. In some cases, the patient is assigned to wearing special glasses, for example, Fedorov's glasses.