Melanoma of the skin - life forecasts

A malignant tumor of the skin is rarely found in the early stages of its development. This phenomenon is associated with the initial invisibility of the pathology, it resembles a normal nevus (birthmark), and there are usually no negative symptoms. Unfortunately, only at late stages of progression it becomes clear that it is skin melanoma that occurs - the life forecasts are worsened due to the impossibility of surgical removal of the tumor, the presence of multiple metastases.

Forecasts for melanoma of skin 1 and 2 stages

If the tumor was detected in the early period of development, there is a chance to achieve even a complete recovery or a prolonged remission. The prognostic value is predominantly the depth of invasion of the tumor into the dermal layer of the skin. The stronger the neoplasm has germinated inwards, the more difficult it is to treat it and the higher the risk of complications.

In the 1-2 stages of progression, melanoma is characterized by a thickness of up to 2 mm. The tumor can be covered with small ulcers, although this is not an unconditional symptom. Oncological cells are concentrated in one place, do not affect nearby tissues and lymph nodes.

The prognosis of the initial stage of skin melanoma also depends on the person's phototype. It has been established that swarthy and dark-skinned people, first, are less susceptible to the disease in question, and secondly, they have a higher chance of achieving full recovery, especially at stage 1-2 of the development of the neoplasm.

In addition, the sex and age of the patient affects the prognostic data. Women have better predictions than men, as well as young people compared to older people.

Survival in skin cancer is estimated within a 5-year period. If the disease was detected in a timely manner, it is 66-98%.

Prognosis for melanoma of skin 3 and 4 stages

The described periods of cancer development are characterized by the following features:

All these factors significantly worsen the prognostic data, since even after the complete removal of the cancer itself, it will not be possible to eliminate the tumor cells migrating with the bloodstream through the body. They will gradually settle in various systems and tissues, hitting them. The presence of even one pathogenic cell can provoke a serious relapse of the disease with a rapid current.

It is also important to take into account the localization of the problem. The prognosis for skin melanoma of the back, chest, abdomen and extremities is worse than in case of growth of the tumor on the neck and face, especially in the late stages of progression of the cancer.

Depending on other factors affecting the course of the pathology, age, sex and health status of the patient, the 5-year survival rate for advanced stages of skin cancer varies between 8-45%.

Does the prognosis change in case of ineffective treatment of skin melanoma?

Immediately after the detection of the tumor at an early stage of development, a surgical procedure for its removal is prescribed. With late progression of the neoplasm, radiation therapy , immune and polychemotherapy (in the complex) are carried out.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of treatment affects too many disparate factors, so it does not always help even in the case of restricted melanomas 1-2 stages without metastases to neighboring organs and lymph nodes. If the therapy is not enough, the prognosis worsens, and the five-year survival rate does not exceed 15-20%.