Vaginal cream

Many drugs in gynecology are used not only for general treatment, but also for the local - in the form of ointments, suppositories and vaginal creams. Vaginal cream is most often used to treat the inflammation of the vagina and cervix.

There are also contraceptive creams that affect the activity of spermatozoa. With atrophy of the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina, vaginal cream can be used from dryness in the vagina (often hormone-containing). For example, a vaginal cream containing estrogens is used in menopause.

Anti-inflammatory vaginal creams

  1. Most often, the local vaginal cream is used from thrush - for the local treatment of inflammation of the vagina caused by a fungal infection, in conjunction with antifungal drugs of general effect. This vaginal cream eliminates itching and curdled vaginal discharge more than tableted preparations, and shortens the treatment time. An example can be a vaginal cream, such as Gynofort, which contains an antifungal agent butoconazole. It is used once, introducing the entire contents of the tube deeply vaginally. Most often this use of the drug is used during an exacerbation of thrush during pregnancy and breastfeeding, when tablets can not be used. Another vaginal gel or cream with an antifungal effect is Candide, the active ingredient of which is clotrimazole. It is applied 3 times a day locally to 3 weeks.
  2. Of antibacterial and antiprotozoal creams, the most known is a vaginal cream such as Metronidazole and Rosex containing metronidazole, which is used to treat not only the simplest (trichomonads), but also some anaerobic bacteria. Local treatment with this cream is often prescribed with a simultaneous prescription of the drug orally - for greater effect. A full cream applicator is administered twice a day in the vagina within a week.
  3. For other bacterial vaginitis, a vaginal cream is often used, such as Clindamycin, a semi-synthetic antibiotic that is effective mainly for Gram-positive cocci and some anaerobes. The contents of a tube with a cream enter during a week once a day (usually before a dream).

Contraceptive vaginal cream

Vaginal creams can be used as contraceptives. One such tool is the vaginal cream Pharmatex, which damages the sperm. Its action begins immediately and lasts up to 10 hours, providing a good contraceptive effect. The drug from the tube is evenly distributed along the walls of the vagina to the cervix and cervical canal, with repeated sexual acts it is recommended to additionally inject the cream into the vagina.

Hormonal vaginal creams

During menopause or after removal of the ovaries, there is atrophy of the vaginal mucosa and cervix, which can cause their dryness and irritation. To reduce the symptoms of menopause, preparations containing estrogens can be used. These properties are vaginal cream Ovestin, which contains an analogue of estrogen. When applying the drug, not only the symptoms of menopause decrease, but normal pH is restored, which reduces inflammation, restores normal vaginal microflora and resistance of mucous cells to damage by microorganisms. The drug is injected into the vagina through the applicator once a day (at night), the course of treatment is up to a month, after which it passes to maintenance therapy - one application of the cream once every 1-2 weeks.