World Architect Day

To build the cottages and equip caves for the ancestors did not need complicated calculations and skills, but as soon as they started building cities and they needed religious buildings, the situation changed. People who began to understand better than anything in laying stones, sawing marble and wood, making mortars and sculptures, began to enter the local elite and get fame. Forgotten forever the nicknames or surnames of most of the kings, but we got the name of the builder of the Egyptian pyramids Imhotep, the creators of the Jerusalem temple of the Jews of Hiram and Zerubbabel, the Greek of Phidias, and other ancient architects. Nowadays, this profession in honor and the International Day of the architect is an important date, both for those who are engaged in construction, and for real connoisseurs of art called architecture.

When celebrate the Day of the architect?

In this issue, sometimes confusion arises for the uninitiated. World Architecture Day was first celebrated on July 1, and then in the late 1990s the International Union of Architects shifted this date to the first Monday in October. Because of this, in many countries there were completely separate holidays. The architect's day is celebrated in the summer of July 1 at the old date, and World Architecture Day - in the second month of autumn, in the numbers set by the international authoritative organization.

How to celebrate the Day of the architect?

Naturally, be sure to congratulate all people engaged in such an important task as the erection of new facilities, as well as the restoration and restoration of architectural monuments of the past. In addition, this event can be used to popularize this profession. It is advisable to conduct excursions to famous old houses with columns, porticos, sculptures and balconies , which can impress the appearance of a new generation. If the city has sophisticated modern building structures and industrial facilities, then they should also be used for this purpose. In large centers, exhibitions, lectures, festivals and conferences are usually prepared for this date, making the World Architect's Day a grandiose event, where guests are invited not only from the regions, but also numerous foreign delegations.