Enteritis in puppies

The causes of inflammation of the intestine in puppies may be different. But the most serious is the disease, which is of an infectious nature. And then enteritis turns into one of the most dangerous diseases, often leading to their death. The most common is parvovirus infection. Diagnosis of the disease is possible only in the laboratory, although the symptoms, treatment and prevention of enteritis of another nature are sometimes similar.

Signs of enteritis in puppies

The most vulnerable to the disease are puppies between the ages of 2 and 16 weeks. The sick kid first becomes sad, refuses food, and only then there is diarrhea with mucus or veins of blood, often there is vomiting. As a consequence - a strong weight loss, sagging sides and weight loss.

Breeding in the body of the virus affects not only the intestine, but also other internal organs. With the defeat of the heart, myocarditis occurs, and then heart failure, no less dangerous than dehydration, which we can see. And the cardiac form of the disease occurs in newborn puppies, and intestinal in the older ones.

Treatment of enteritis in puppies

Since the disease is viral, treatment is symptomatic. The patient is given a medication to the puppy supporting the work of the internal organs, primarily the heart, liver and kidneys, as well as vitamins. In time, the treatment started can sometimes stop the reproduction of the virus and save a small four-legged friend. This happens in cases when the disease is not rapid, and there is time for the action of drugs in the reserve.

It is important during treatment to create a quiet environment without bright light and give the puppy a lot to drink. If you refuse water, moisten your lips and mouth. Since only a doctor can tell how to properly treat enteritis in a given puppy, if possible, it is better to take the animal to the clinic, where they will put a dropper and introduce the necessary drugs. For any course of the disease, it is necessary to give the puppy medications that support the work of the heart, for example, sulfakamfakain, as well as immunostimulants, interferons, vitamins, antibiotics and probiotics, vitamins and hormones. With severe dehydration, rehydration (Trisol, Ringer's solution) and antitoxic therapy.

Puppy after enteritis is very weak, so food should at first be light and sparing. The baby is given broths, liquid cereals, gradually increasing its volume. To avoid dysbacteriosis, live bacteria are recommended.

Prevention of enteritis in puppies is reduced to vaccination of the mother before knitting. If the vaccine is missed, the serum is administered in several steps until the puppies can be vaccinated. A good tool for treating the room is a quartz lamp. Itself is very difficult to treat such a disease as enteritis in puppies. Therefore, it is better to seek help from a doctor.