Persian breed of cats

One of the most popular and favorite breeds is the Persian cat. This housewife completely lost her hunting instincts and can only live in the house, absolutely not needing walks.

Persian cats - the origin and history of the breed

In Europe, a Persian cat was brought by a traveler in the distant XVI century from Persia. With the modern Persian, the ancient Persian cats were similar except that thick long hair.

Later, in the XIX century, the English divided these longhair cats into French and Angora. French species of cats were squat, had a strong backbone, a heavy rounded head with large eyes. In Germany, crossed Angora cats and German Longhars. And in the 20th century, American breeders brought out a modern Persian cat with an upturned and flattened nose and long hair. So for several centuries a Persian breed of cats was formed, known to us today.

Persian cat - characteristics of the breed

Persian cat is distinguished by a large powerful trunk, round head, small, slightly rounded and widely set ears. Particularly noteworthy are the round expressive eyes of a cat. The tail is fluffy, but short and as if mundane. Thick hair reaches some 20 cm in length. Male Persian weighs up to 7 kg, female - 4-5 kg.

Yellow-eyed Persian cats can have a simple color (tortoiseshell, black, red, white) and complex, when the color of awn and undercoat - different. Green-eyed Persians have only complex colors, for example, chinchilla or shaded silver. The blue-eyed cats have bright marks on the light wool.

Cats of Persian breed have an intelligent and restrained character. They are peaceful and delicate, sociable and devoted to their master. Give the voice of the Persians very rarely, and if they need something, they will just sit next to the owner and look pointedly into his eyes.

Persians are very clean, but care for them is quite complicated because of their long wool.