How to properly raise a dog?

Most owners with the appearance in the house of a dog think about the question of how well it can be raised. Everyone decides for himself how he wants to see his pet: obedient, intelligent, kind. This article will discuss how to achieve the desired result.

How to raise an obedient dog?

To bring up an obedient dog, you first need to let her know that you are her leader. The fact is that the dog considers the family in which it lives, its flock, and therefore a clear hierarchy is necessary without compromise. The main features that a leader must have are patience and endurance. All interaction with the dog should occur only on your initiative, whether it be games, walks, food or affection.

Go into any door or go up the stairs you must in front of the dog. The dog can go near or slightly behind. Never allow food begging when you eat. The dog should be fed only after people ate. Sofas, beds and armchairs are designed for people, the leader rests on the hill. Never let the puppy do what the adult dog would forbid.

Remember that by giving a lot of privileges to your dog, you provoke it to challenge the leadership. This is especially true for large dogs. Your firm non-aggressive behavior towards the dog is the key to success in educating an obedient dog.

How to raise a smart dog?

A clever dog is primarily obedient. Although dogs do not understand human speech, but rather the intonation and mood of people, it is quite possible to accustom the dog to respond in a certain way to your requests. Do not simultaneously train many teams, achieve excellent performance of one team and only then proceed to new ones. To develop intelligence, say the usual dog command in different ways - quietly, loudly, severely, gently, only always without anger. Then the dog will learn to distinguish not only intonation, but also the essence of the team .

How to bring a good dog?

In this matter, the owner of the dog should first of all be kind, because the dog is usually a reflection of the owner. If you are aggressive with a dog, you will never caress or play with it, then such a dog will not become kind. The command "Fu" is to suppress any aggression of the dog - barking or biting - including during the game.

How to raise an adult dog?

When raising an adult dog you need to start with obedience. An adult dog already has some experience in life and habits acquired from birth, so you will need all your patience and firmness. From the first days you need to accustom your dog to the rules that are installed in your home. The adult dog quickly enough orients itself in that is possible and that it is impossible. It is important not to confuse the animal by itself - today it is possible, but tomorrow it is impossible, the rules should be executed by all equally on any day.