Names for girls parrots - a selection of the best options for nicknames

Choose the names for parrots-girls need, focusing not only on their own preferences, but also on other, no less important factors. Sometimes it's time to decide how the new pet will be called, the color of its feathering, the features of the breed or the recommendations of experienced owners help.

How can you call a girl parrot?

The most important factor that can not be ignored when selecting a nickname is whether his training is intended for pronunciation of certain words. To choose a name for a parrot-girl, consisting of hard-to-pronounce syllables is the right way to what a bird will not learn to speak. It is necessary to consider when selecting such nuances as:

  1. Simplicity and availability of nicknames. It should be understood by all family members - for example, that children also had the opportunity to learn it with a bird.
  2. Uniqueness. It should not coincide with the names of household members.
  3. Vowel and the presence of vowels or hissing letters. Gosha, Petya, Pasha are good options for a pet of any breed.

Names for the girls-girls of Corella

These birds are considered incredibly sociable, so the first word they will learn to pronounce must necessarily be a nickname. After the name for the parrot girl is selected, it should be trained in a comfortable environment: the breed likes to feel security. Male individuals are more talkative, so you will also have to be patient. Decide how to call the girl-girl parrot to the corolla , the list of popular nicknames will help:

How can you call a wavy parrot-girl?

Representatives of this breed can learn up to 100 words. They have a very changeable character, but this is not an excuse to give the bird a name that ridicules its steep temper. A name suitable as an answer to the question of how to name a budding parrot-girl should take into account that it is easier for vocal cords of this species of birds to cope with words containing the letters "P", "A", "I", "X", " "O" and "U". Preferred following nicknames:

Names of parrots-girls of green color

Bright plumage is an excellent occasion to come up with an original nickname for a pet. Beautiful names for the parrot-girl must necessarily take into account the color of her feathers, if they have a rich green tint:

How to name a yellow parrot girl?

The color of the sun is associated with gold or sunlight. This interpretation can be key when deciding on what name to give to the girl-girl parrot:

How to call a blue-eyed parrot?

If the yellow shade reminds of the rays of the star, then it is worth mentioning about the sky-azure palette of plumage, which is often found in birds. The names for the blue parrot-girls can be:

How to name a girl-parrot - popular names

There are also nicknames that pet owners prefer most often. Popular names for girls' parrots, as a rule, are easily remembered and pronounced. Let some they seem standard - but they are time-tested and universally suitable for birds with any color of feathers and breed. Widely distributed are the following names for girls' parrots:

Funny names for a girl parrot

To nickname a pet called a smile, you need to choose among the ridiculous options. To give a cool name to the girl-girl will help to watch her for a few days or the nickname of the youngest members of the family-children. Every time a bird pronounces it, it will raise the mood to all household members. Determine which names for parrots-girls will be suitable, some tips will help:

  1. Not bad and always relevant are the names of actors, comic characters or superheroes - Monroe, Harley, Jerry.
  2. It's easiest to remember names with repeated syllables - Chacha, Cookie.
  3. The name can be selected in accordance with the nature of the birds - Molchunya, Zadira, Singer, Tikhon.