Caloric content of buckwheat porridge on water

Many people who have just started to learn the basics of weight loss with caloric counting, face the same problem. Everyone knows that porridge is useful, but what about the fact that they are very caloric? In order that such a question does not arise for you, it is worth to once and for all determine for yourself the difference between harmful and useful calories, as well as between raw cereal and ready-made porridge. In this article we will consider in detail the calorie content of buckwheat porridge on the water.

Calorie content of buckwheat groats

If you take a package of ordinary buckwheat, the yummy, on the back of the package will be marked with information about its energy value. As a rule, the indicators are as follows: calorie content of buckwheat - 313 kcal, of which proteins are 12.6 g, fats are 3.3 g, carbohydrates - 62.1 g. Many are confused by such large figures and especially - the amount of carbohydrates. However, buckwheat porridge, cooked on water, contains much less calories.

Caloric content of buckwheat porridge on water

Buckwheat, like most cereals, has the ability to absorb moisture and thereby increase substantially in volume. It is due to this and the caloric content decreases by 100 grams of the product - because from this amount of cereals you will receive three times more ready-made cereal.

Buckwheat porridge on the water contains 90 - 132 kcal, depending on the degree of swelling, the amount of water added to the oil, etc. If you do not add anything to your porridge and cook it on the water - your dish has a minimum value of energy value. For example, viscous buckwheat porridge on water has only 90 kcal, of which 3.2 g of protein, 0.8 g of fat and only 17.1 g of carbohydrates.

Properties of buckwheat porridge components

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in buckwheat porridge are of vegetable origin and very useful for the human body. So, for example, it has a lot of useful protein, which is supplemented with amino acids and is useful to the body almost the same way as meat or poultry.

Carbohydrates that are contained in buckwheat are complex or "slow" carbohydrates, which are digested gradually, giving a lasting sense of satiety. Unlike simple ("fast") carbohydrates , which are essentially sugars, they do not give jumps in blood sugar and are much healthier.

Do not be afraid to include cereals in your diet - they are of much use and help to fill those deficiencies of nutrients that other products can not make up.