The nature of Colombia

Due to the fact that the relief of Colombia is very difficult and diverse, its nature combines a variety of zones, flora and fauna. Geographical coordinates of several belts of the country significantly affect what grows and who lives on the territory.

Due to the fact that the relief of Colombia is very difficult and diverse, its nature combines a variety of zones, flora and fauna. Geographical coordinates of several belts of the country significantly affect what grows and who lives on the territory.

Features of the relief of Colombia

The western part of the country is the Prikarab and Pacific lowlands, adjacent to each other. They are adjacent to the Andean mountain system, which consists of four main ranges and occupies up to 80% of the state territory. In the inter-mountains, three important water arteries originate in the country - Magdalena , Cauca and Atrato, which flow into the Caribbean Sea in the north. The mountains are of volcanic origin, and seismic activity from time to time causes fear, because some cities are located on the slopes of dormant volcanoes .

The mountain-free area of ​​Colombia is the jungle (wet tropical forests) and Llanos (plains). It is here that agriculture flourishes, which feeds the country. Colombia is famous for growing sugar cane and coffee, which are exported, and also used for domestic consumption.

Flora of Colombia

It is in Colombia that the largest number of different plants per unit area is recorded. There are more than 130 thousand varieties, 10% of them being endemic. Such a large amount of vegetation is due to a unique combination of the amount of light, moisture and temperature.

The national tree of Colombia is a wax palm. The second name is Kindioi, as it is named after the region of its growth - the Department of Kindio. It is remarkable that this palm grows only here, in the Kokor valley , and nowhere else in the world, and for its growth requires a large height above sea level. With the protection of this amazing plant in Colombia began the era of conservation of natural resources.

In addition to the famous palm tree grows in Colombia, a national flower - an orchid, which is a symbol of the country. It was bred by the naturalist Jose Jerónimo and is rightly considered the most beautiful flower in the world.

Representatives of the fauna of Colombia

The fauna of Colombia is extensive and diverse. The deep-water rivers are the habitat of a huge number of reptiles, amphibians and fish, among which are potentially dangerous and poisonous. Fishing in South America is considered the most exotic in the world. Here are found:

Forests and plains inhabit:

Colombia is the second country in the world after Peru , which sheltered such a huge number of birds on its land. The most famous bird that inhabits Colombia is the Andean condor, known to us from the stories of Jules Verne and depicted on the national coat of arms of the country.

In addition, it is inhabited by: