Ribbon hair extensions - all about the popular procedure

Dense locks to the waist - a rare privilege, most women have to wear short or medium haircuts. Stretch tape helps to solve the problem of rare strands and extend them to the desired level. To achieve a good aesthetic effect, it is important to carry out the procedure correctly, not forgetting about correction and careful care.

What hair extensions are better - capsular or tape?

These methods differ in the way the donor locks are attached to natural hair. Find out what is best - tape or capsular hair extensions , helps the study of technology. The first procedure presented refers to the "cold" elongation. Bought strands are glued to the natural with a small piece of tape at the base. The second type of expansion involves a "hot" mount. Artificial curls are soldered to their own strands by means of a heated keratin capsule, which melts under the influence of high temperature.

Tape hair extension is considered as safe as possible, because manipulation does not damage natural curls either thermally or mechanically. Capsule procedure is more durable and provides more options for creating different hairstyles, but it spoils its own strands. Hot keratin negatively affects the horn cells and leads to their thinning.

Ribbon hair extensions - pros and cons

Before signing up for a session with a master or purchasing tools and materials for independent work, it is important to obtain detailed information on the merits and negative aspects of manipulation. Hair extension by the belt method is one of the most sparing methods of lengthening the braid, but it does not lack any flaws. There are exceptional situations when the described technology is completely contraindicated.

Advantages of tape hair extensions

In addition to security, this manipulation is cheap because of the low cost of necessary supplies and materials. Belt cold hair extension is characterized by additional advantages:

Ribbon hair extensions - cons

The presented procedure has contraindications:

It is not recommended to tape build on short hair, if they are weakened and damaged. Even a minimal load on the weakened roots can provoke the loss of ringlets. Other disadvantages of manipulation:

Materials for tape hair extensions

The described process is easy to perform by yourself, if you buy the required accessories. To do ribbon hair extensions at home, you need to purchase only loose strands on sticky pieces. Their cost depends on the quality of the materials. If the curls are natural and Slavic, the price will be high. Artificial, Asian and European strands are cheaper.

How to do a tape build-up?

Extend the braids without assistance will not work, especially if you need to attach the curls from behind. Rape hair extensions begin with their thorough cleaning and preparation. Strands need to be washed with a special shampoo, which removes the fatty film as much as possible. After that, the curls dry and gently straighten the iron. It is important that all processed strands are smooth.

Ribbon hair extensions - technology:

  1. Divide the curls into flat horizontal (transverse) prodrugs with a special comb or knitting needle.
  2. Separate one thin strand so that it coincides with the adhesive tape in width. Attach to her false hair from below, laying under the chosen curl.
  3. On this same strand stick another tape, but on top.
  4. It is good to press the fingers along the edges.
  5. Smooth the tape so that the glue is evenly distributed and the lock is fixed.
  6. Repeat the above steps for neighboring strands.
  7. Similar manipulations can be made in another part of the stack (higher or lower).
  8. Check the result.

If the whole process was performed correctly, the hair will not only be longer, but also larger. They should look as natural as possible and do not look different from natural curls. In the example below, you can see that the shade of the overhead strands is chosen perfectly, and they look like native. There are no noticeable transitions between own and pasted curls, there was a volume on each side and on the vertex.

Correction of tape hair extension

Monthly natural spit grows, because of which donor materials change position (fall) and become visible to others. In some cases, they even fall off under their own weight. For this reason, tape build-up should be regularly adjusted. If the curls are properly handled, the procedure is performed using the existing strands. They are simply removed and pasted again, just a little higher.

How much does the tape build?

After the first manipulation, artificial curls will last 1.5-2 months. After this period, you will need a tape re-hair extension (correction). You can strengthen the same donor materials while they retain their natural appearance and remain qualitative. To prolong it "life" is easy, if you apply only special shampoos for washing and regularly use professional balm for false strands.

Tape build-up of bangs and short haircuts keeps less, because the border between own and donor hair becomes too noticeable after 30-35 days. In such situations, masters recommend correcting more often, preferably monthly. During manipulation, the ends of the curls will have to be cut slightly so that they have a healthy appearance.

How to remove the tape build-up?

To remove false strands, you need to purchase a special alcohol-containing liquid . It instantly dissolves the glue on the tapes, but does not damage the foundations of the native locks. When the sticky part ceases to hold, donor materials are simply pulled down, and they slip easily. Having such a professional solution, you can perform tape building at home and do correction yourself.