Watch with photos of yourself

The watch is an integral part of our life. Everyone in the apartment has at least one watch, and often it happens that the clock hangs on the wall almost in every room. So such a gift, like a watch, will not be useless, but if it's a clock from photos on the wall, then there is no price at all. After all, what an interesting combination - always running time against the background of the caught moment. So let's take a closer look at how to make decoupage watches with photos.

Watch with photos of yourself

First, let's define what materials we will need to make a watch with photos.

So, with the materials decided, and now let's go directly to the description of the process of making watches with your photo.

Step 1 : First you need to prepare the photo correctly. Using photo editors, adjust the size of the image, and also apply the clock face to it, downloading its template from the Internet. Next, you need to connect the photo with the base. Paint the board around the edges, but be careful that when you paste a photo, there are no untreated areas left on the board. When the layer of paint dries well, apply glue to the whole surface of the board for decoupage and paste the photo. To ensure that the photo is stuck smoothly and there are no bubbles or any irregularities on its surface, smoothly smooth out the photo, but in order not to spoil it with your hands, put a parchment paper on top that will prevent the hands from sticking to the image itself.


Step 2 : When the glue dries well, cover the photo with the glue from the top. At first it does not look very nice, but this step is necessary in order to ensure the hours of a long life. In addition, when the glue dries, it gives the photos a very interesting effect.

Step 3: Again, when all the glue dries, you can go to the most critical part - attach the clockwork. First you need to find the center of the base: measure the distance from one corner of the photo to the other on both sides, at the intersection of these lines you will get the middle of the photo. At this point, make a hole and attach the clockwork to your board with the photo. The original watch is ready!

Unusual wall clock can be done in another way .