Blue wallpapers in the interior

Application in the interior of a blue color never loses its relevance. After all, this color is extremely positive emotions, associated with the heavenly boundlessness and the sea. Therefore, blue wallpaper in the interior gives a feeling of peace, purity, peace and spaciousness. However, do not get too carried away with this color. Its excess in the room can contribute to the emergence of a depressed state and fatigue.

Interior of the room with blue wallpaper

The blue color suits best for wallpaper bedroom . In a room designed for relaxation, the soothing effect of this color is simply irreplaceable. It will be appropriate to use gentle heavenly colors, decorated with unobtrusive patterns. Blue wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom is recommended to be supplemented with white textiles, light curtains or bed linens.

In the nursery, which is used not only for sleep, but also for playing games and studying a child, using wallpaper you can zoning the room. The combination of gently blue wallpaper in the interior of the room and more saturated shades of color will make it possible to separate the playing part of the room from the rest zone. In cases where the size of the room does not allow this, for visual expansion of space it is worth giving preference to light color shades.

In the interior of the living room, you can apply gray-blue wallpaper and shade the walls with white, beige or dark blue flowers. To create a lively and joyful atmosphere, the room, decorated in blue tones, should be decorated with a large number of plants.

But the blue wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen is not very popular. This is due to the fact that this color does not contribute to an improvement in appetite. But if you add white tiles and furniture to the dark blue walls, the situation will radically change. In such a kitchen there will be an atmosphere of delight, joy and admiration.