Interesting facts about the life of cats

The number of cats on Earth is approaching 500 million. By the number of cat lovers, Australia is leading: 10 inhabitants have 9 fluffy animals. Cats are the most popular domestic animals in Russia. 37% of people have a cat at home. Dogs, which are on the second place in pet, are only 30% of the owners. In this case, each purr is an independent person, with a special character. Let's talk about the most interesting facts about the life of cats.

  1. At the Institute of Gerontology in Germany, research has been carried out on the effect of the presence of a cat in the house on the life expectancy of its owners. The experiment was attended by 3,000 people who are owners of cats. It turned out that the owners of pets on average live 10 years longer. In this case, the level of cholesterol in the blood of the owners of cats is lower, and the blood pressure is stable.
  2. A person who strokes a cat reduces the pulse rate. With regular interaction with a cat in people who have had a stroke or heart attack, the probability of a second stroke is reduced by half. The owners of cats are less prone to stress.
  3. If a cat lies on a certain part of your body, perhaps the disease develops here, which the home diagnostician feels and tries to help get rid of the disease. Places where cats like to sleep are not to be chosen for bed placement, since negative energy is concentrated here.
  4. A cat is always a predator. The fact is that for normal functioning of the feline organism, taurine is required, which is contained only in animal products, mainly in meat. A cat, devoid of meat-containing products, loses its ability to reproduce, receives heart disease and can go blind.
  5. Through the fault of the owners overweight is observed in almost 50% of pets. Thick cats have the same problems as people who are obese: arrhythmia, diabetes, shortness of breath.
  6. Cats have a fairly developed communicative device: they produce about 100 different sounds. For comparison, dogs, for example, produce 10 kinds of sounds.
  7. Cats are extremely sensitive to loud sounds. For them, each perceived sound is heard 3 times louder than for a person. If the house is deafeningly music or the TV is loud, the cat must be able to move to another room.
  8. On one of the small islands in the Indian Ocean, only cats live. When shipwrecked, people who reached the shores of the islet did not survive, and the cats were quite comfortable in the new place, where they became masters. More than 1000 cats living on the island, produce food from the ocean - fish, shellfish.
  9. During the siege in Leningrad, all cats were killed or eaten, which caused uncontrolled reproduction of rats. To combat pests, a "cat echelon" was formed and arrived in the city. Cats have coped well with the task - the natural enemy was destroyed!
  10. Cats are very sensitive to air composition. In the First World War, cats were kept in trenches so that they warned of a gas attack in advance. During the Second World War, live detectors were necessarily on board each submarine to determine air quality.
  11. Three days after the earthquake in Spitak, rescuers found a live newborn girl. It turned out that the baby was saved by a white cat, which among the ruins warmed the baby with a warm body in the December nights. Careful nurse licked the human child, like a kitten.
  12. Kitten-Persian Kimba from Australia survived after 30 minutes spent in a working washing machine. On the health of the child, a dangerous adventure was practically not affected - his eyes were tearing for a while from the washing powder.
  13. Recently, a picture with an unusual cat appeared on the Internet: its muzzle is exactly in the middle of the nose divided into a black and a red half. The cat was called the Chimera.

Also here you can find answers to some tormenting questions, for example, why cats are trampled and why they are afraid of a vacuum cleaner .