Shrimp in breading

Sometimes, I so want to please myself and my friends with something delicious and cook a delicacy. Let's find out with you interesting shrimp recipes in breadcrumbs.

King prawns in breading


king prawns - 900 g; soy sauce - for marinade.

For batter:


Shrimp washed underwater, we separate the head, remove the shell, leaving only the tails. Then put them in a bowl and pour with soy sauce. Next, we prepare the sauce : mix the egg and salt in the bowl, infuse a little water, pour in the flour and mix until a homogeneous mass forms. On a flat plate pour bread crumbs. Now we dip the shrimp first into the batter, then breadnel in breadcrumbs and fry from all sides in the heated frying pan for a minute. We spread the shrimp on a dish and serve it to a table with garlic or cheese sauce.

Fried shrimp in breading



Dry the crusts carefully with a blender until it is finely crushed and mix with grated cheese and finely chopped cilantro. We clean the shrimps, remove the head, remove the intestinal vein. Then we pour them in flour, shake off the excess, dipped in the beaten egg and crumble in breadcrumbs from crumbs of biscuits and parmesan. Fry the shrimps on each side in the oil until a crispy crust appears. Now shift them onto a paper towel to make the glass excess oil.

Tiger prawns in breading



We take the shrimp, we clean them from the shell, remove the intestinal vein, and leave the tail. Then properly my shrimp and dry with a towel. Beat the eggs lightly, add flour, water and mix thoroughly until a uniform consistency is obtained. We take the shrimp, dip it in dough and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. In a saucepan pour the vegetable oil and put it on the stove to warm up. Fry the shrimps for about 2 minutes on each side until they turn bright golden. We put the finished shrimps first on a paper towel, and then on a dish.