Signs of December

The last month of the year is rich in various dates. Our ancestors celebrated at this time many festive events. It was also decided by the signs of December to determine the weather for the next year, and yield, and other events.

People's signs of December on weather and harvest

Almost every date of this period had its importance for our ancestors. For example, it is believed that according to the weather of the first day of the month, it is possible to judge the entire winter, and to Nikola the Wonderworker (December 19) one must look at the hoarfrost and thus it will be possible to determine what the harvest will be next year. The more snow falls, the more likely that the summer will be good, and hence the harvest will be excellent.

The knowledge of the people's signs of the month of December also helps to determine whether the winter frosts will last long and when to wait for spring. It is believed that if you look at the weather for 12 days after the 25th, you can understand what it will be in each month of next year. The sun and clear sky to warm weather, and abundant snowfall to precipitation and rainy weather.

Signs about the wedding in December

To believe or not to believe in such signs is up to you personally. But, many people prefer to consider them when planning a wedding. Traditionally, it was during this period that our ancestors celebrated wedding celebrations. This time was considered the most favorable for marriage. Therefore, to marry in December, the sign is certainly good. It is believed that the couple will live in harmony for many years.

A good sign is that if there is a heavy snowfall during the wedding. It heralds that young people will have material prosperity, mutual understanding and happiness for many years to come.

Also, on the day of the wedding, you can determine the sex of the first child. If a severe frost hit, the first pair of the young couple will be boy, well, soft warm weather, on the contrary, means that, most likely, a girl will be born. Also, the hole in the stocking of the bride, formed during registration, indicates the imminent emergence of heirs. One arrow predicts the birth of a girl, well, two - a boy.

There are also "special" good dates for marrying in December. It is considered favorable to marry 1,5,11,15,17,20 and 31 numbers. The couple who married in these numbers will be happy and all their dreams and desires will come true.

Well, 4,14,22 and on December 29, wedding is better not to celebrate. The marriage concluded these days will not last long, and the relationship between the newlyweds will quickly become cool.