Do the eggs color the Trinity?

Trinity (Green Sunday) is one of the largest Orthodox holidays, symbolizing the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter . The Trinity, as well as on any Orthodox holiday, has its own customs and rules established since ancient times. Each action, related to the celebration of that day, has its deep historical meaning. Customs were born for centuries and carry a very large semantic load. To date, the customs have become so many and they are all so different that sometimes there are questions about the need for certain actions. Whether the eggs are painted on the Trinity is one of the most frequently asked questions recently.

Do I have to paint eggs on the Trinity?

The egg is the symbol of the appearance of life. On Easter, eggs are associated with the resurrection of Christ and paint them in red, which symbolizes the color of the blood of Jesus. In the modern world, Orthodox Christians paint eggs mainly only for Easter. When asked whether it is possible to paint eggs on the Trinity, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that although our ancestors did the same in the old days, this was more pagan.

What color do the eggs color on the Trinity?

The Trinity - Green Sunday, is called so because celebrating this holiday, people tried to decorate their home and temples with fresh green branches and young plants as much as possible, rejoicing in the revival of nature awakened after a long winter.

Eggs also tried to give a green tint, painting them in a decoction of birch leaves, that's only symbolized these eggs death.

On the day before the Trinity, the dead were mentioned, bringing green and yellow eggs to their graves. On this day, the only time in the year, it was permitted to commemorate infants who died before baptism , and relatives who committed suicide. To them, yellow eggs were brought to the cemetery, the remaining deceased relatives and acquaintances - green.