Cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit - what should I do?

In our region, a common cherry tree is considered a fairly common tree, the fruits of which we so much like to eat fresh, used as fillings for vareniki and cakes, canned for the winter. In addition to sweet and sour berries cherries are valued for relative unpretentiousness. Despite this, sometimes gardeners complain that the cherry blossoms abundantly, but, unfortunately, does not bear fruit. Of course, this fact can not but upset, but we will try to understand why this happens and what to do if the cherry poorly fructifies.

Why not cherry fruit?

To understand how to make a tree to harvest, you need to understand why this does not happen. In general, if we talk about the year when the cherry comes after planting, then most often the first berries should appear on the branches for 3-4 years. If this does not happen from year to year, provided that flowering in spring does happen, you need to take action. So, the reasons why cherries do not bear fruit can be:

Cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit - what should I do?

To solve such an urgent problem, several solutions are proposed. Most often, the cherry does not bloom due to the fact that the fall can freeze the fruit buds. Therefore, at this time of the year it is recommended not to fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers and not to water at the time when the first autumn frosts occur. In the spring for the time of frosts it is possible to delay flowering by covering the cherry tree with snow or mulch. If the flowering has already begun, you can save the potential crop if the whole crown is covered with a cloth or non-woven material.

Thinking about how to make a cherry fruit, be sure to pay attention to the sufficiency of pollination of your tree. Unfortunately, not all varieties are self-pollinated. Therefore, in the absence of harvest for 4-5 years, it is recommended to plant a seedling of another variety near the cherry tree. It also happens that the pollination of buds does not occur because pollen is not tolerated by insect pollinators (wasps, bees, bumblebees, etc.). This happens because of unfavorable weather or the use of insecticides against cherry pests. To help buds develop an ovary without pollinators, sprinkling agents such as Ovary, Cveten or Bud can help. Well, you can draw insects to a tree with the help of sweet syrup. It is prepared from a liter of water and a tablespoon of sugar. Such sweetened water should be sprinkled on the cherry tree.

Sometimes, in order to make the cherry bear fruit, it is enough to adhere to the rules of proper care for this garden culture. From the very beginning it is important to make a correct seedling planting. For example, a tree should be planted on sunny areas with loose soil with a neutral or slightly acid reaction . If necessary, the land will have to be lime. It is also important that the subsoil waters are located at least one and a half meters underground. When planting, the root neck of the cherry does not need to be excessively buried - it is placed at the level of the soil surface. In the future, the tree will require at least three watering (in late spring, June, in July). With regard to fertilizing, it is produced only in the third or fourth year of growth of the seedlings, using organic or mineral fertilizers. Sometimes the absence of harvest is explained by the excessive volume and thickening of the crown, because of what the "strength" of the cherry does not remain for fruiting. Therefore, in the spring it is recommended to trim the tree.