Planting a plum in the spring

Plum is a fairly thermophilic plant, so planting a plum in the spring is more preferable. After all, the seedlings that were planted in the autumn, often do not have time to properly take root before the onset of cold weather, and may die.

Many gardeners want to grow a plum on their plot, but do not know how to plant this tree in the spring. Plum is almost the most whimsical tree of all fruit. So let's try together to figure out how to plant a plum in the spring, and in what care it needs.

Plum planting and care

Propagation plum in several ways: graft, root shoots, cuttings. You will not be able to grow a variety of plums from seeds. This way you can get only a rootstock - a tree, on the trunk of which you can then plant kidneys or cuttings of the desired sort of plums.

It grows well and fructifies this tree on fertile and friable soil. The place for its landing should be chosen sunny and sheltered from the wind, and there should not be other trees nearby that would overshadow the young seedling. A good option is to plant plums along the fence. However, remember that the plum does not like stagnant moisture, so do not drop it in places where meltwater stagnates in the spring. Yes, and in the lowlands of plum is not the place: since it blooms in early spring, then, being in a low place, can suffer more from recurrent frosts.

Place for planting a seedling should be prepared in advance. First, soil in a radius of two meters from the future landing site must be thoroughly digged. Depending on the type of plum you choose, excavate the pit to a depth of about 50-60 cm and a width of 80 cm to 1 m. Combine the earth with the humus and wood ash and pour the mixture on the bottom. Do not add any fertilizers to the pit, which will stimulate the growth of the branches, because they can cause a root burn and the death of the plant.

In the middle of the pit, you need to install a wooden stake. When planting a plum seedling, its root neck should be raised above the soil level by 6-7 cm. Gradually, the land will settle and the plant will be at ground level. If you put the plum too deep, then the bark on the trunk can begin to inhibit, which in the end will have a detrimental effect on the yield of the tree.

Seedling plum is set on the north side of the stake and with a soft twine loosely tied it to the cola so that the distance between the trunk and the support is about 15 cm. Do not use wire or other rigid materials for this, as this can seriously damage the bark of the plant. The earth around the seedling is well rammed in order to fill all the voids in the pit. Then the soil around the seedling is well watered and mulched with compost or peat.

Plum planting should take place according to the scheme 4m x 2m. You can plant trees where you want. However, remember that a minimum distance of three meters between them must be maintained necessarily. At a minimum, two plum trees of another grade should be on your site for better pollination.

Features of growing plums

Plum is a very hygrophilous plant that tolerates drought, perhaps even worse than frost. Therefore, in dry weather, watering the tree should be done once a week. For a seedling, there will be enough 3-4 buckets of water, and for an adult tree - 5-6 buckets. The main sign of a lack of water is the cracks in the plum fruit. However, remember that excessive moisture is also harmful to the plum: its leaves turn yellow and even die.

A characteristic feature of the plum is uneven fruiting: if this year you have collected an excellent crop, then in the next season, most likely, it will be very meager. To avoid this, it is necessary at least twice in a season to thin out the fruits: during their tying and in the period of maturation.

In forming pruning, plums do not need. But the supports for their sprawling branches are absolutely necessary.

Proper planting and timely care of the plum will allow you to get an excellent harvest of these delicious and healthy fruits every year.