Crafts of birds with their own hands

Various children's crafts in the form of birds or other animals perfectly develop the imagination of the child. You can make a bird from anything. At what there are the most simple variants for small preschool children and more complex for children-schoolboys.

Crafts from plastic bottles: birds

Plastic is very well served for the formation of various crafts. It's easy to work with him. We offer you the option of making a craft in the form of a bird made of plastic bottles. To work, you need only one large bottle of white plastic with a handle and scissors.

  1. First, rinse thoroughly and clean the container of labels and liquid residues. We pre-apply the line to the marker. From the bottom measure a couple of centimeters to remove the bottom. Next, on the opposite side of the handle, draw a line along the seam. Near the neck draw the arch, as shown in the picture.
  2. Then we begin to cut. It is more convenient to work on the table or on the floor, so that the support is smooth and stable. Now cut the bottom part.
  3. Then we move along the line along the seam.
  4. It's time to cut out the beak. We move from the cut seam on the bottle along the curve to the neck. Having reached the thread lines, stop.
  5. To make a beak, turn the cut piece into the neck of the bottle, as shown in the picture.
  6. We shall make wings and a tail. The bottom of the loaf must be cut. From the handle we retreat a couple of centimeters and on each side we begin to cut out two arches.
  7. Here's what should happen in the end.
  8. Take the workpiece and put it with the handle down. Hold and gradually turn the sidewalls inward. Now it remains only to shape the ready wings a little and the bird is ready.
  9. How to make a bird of thread?

    A simpler version of making crafts for birds with their own hands using threads. This method is quite suitable for working with a child of three years. Let's take a step-by-step instruction on how to make such a bird by yourself.

    1. From the cardboard we cut out a rectangle with sides 20x14cm. We wind it up to 60 turns of black yarn. Threads are better to take dense and bulk.
    2. Cut in half.
    3. While we put the workpiece aside.
    4. From the yarn of red color we wind about 40 turns on the short side.
    5. Similarly we make a blank of gray yarn.
    6. Then we begin to form the body of the bird. We put the red yarn across the black yarn and cross them.
  10. Gray yarn is simply bandaged in half.
  11. From the synthepone or cotton wool we form a ball about 5 cm in diameter and we grab it with gray yarn.
  12. On top we lay black yarn, which will become the head and back of the bullfinch. From the red yarn we form the sides.
  13. We connect everything from below with a thread.
  14. We put the threads and form the head. Tightening is not very tight.
  15. From the seed we make a beak, and from the beads we glue our eyes.

Crafts of birds made of natural material

The easiest and most affordable way to make a bird, use a lump and clay. Plasticine for preschool children is one of the most effective and simple ways to develop a small motorized arms and speech. Here's a very simple lesson, how to make a bird of plasticine with your own hands.

  1. We take a set for modeling: a litter for modeling, a stack and the brightest clay. You will also need a simple pine cone.
  2. From the bright yellow piece we make a head. From the other piece we make wings and a round stand so that the birdie stands confidently. And also form the beak and eyes. To make a stand, simply mold a small ball and roll it out.
  3. Next, attach our workpieces to the cone and install everything on the stand. Such crafts of birds with their own hands can be practiced for children from the age of three.

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