The crisis of 3 years in a child

All of us, adults, once overcome it. It was one of the most important turning points of our life, even if someone did not express it clearly. The crisis of three years is the stage of development that our children will have to undergo. And the better we are aware of the peculiarities of this phenomenon, the easier it will be for us to help our children as soon as possible and with the least losses of its "escalate".

The crisis of 3 years in one child can begin even in 2.5 years, while others face a crisis, only having reached the age of four. In all cases, the causes of its occurrence are the same: the baby becomes well developed physically and mentally. He realizes that he can influence the world around him, and he enjoys it. He is drawn to explore not only inanimate objects, but also to study the behavior of people around him. The child begins to consider himself an independent person and seeks to make his own decisions. That is, do not just do something yourself, but it's up to him to decide whether to do it or not.

The problem is that many desires do not correspond to the real capabilities of the baby. This causes an internal conflict in it. In addition, the child is constantly guarded by adults, which causes an external conflict.

Symptoms of the crisis of three years

This crucial moment for all children is different. It happens that completely unnoticed. But more often so, that it seems to parents that their beloved was simply replaced.

Psychologists distinguish such signs of a crisis of 3 years:

  1. The child seeks to do everything himself, even if he has not the slightest idea how to do it.
  2. Parents often face the manifestation of the stubbornness of the baby. He insists on his contrary to all the arguments of the elders. And not because he so much needed what he requires, but simply because he said so.
  3. The kid sometimes acts not only against the will of the parents, but also against his own will. He refuses to fulfill requests only because he is asked about it, and not because he does not want it.
  4. The child can "rebel" in response to pressure from the parents. "Riot" is manifested in aggression or hysteria.
  5. In the eyes of the child, his favorite toys can be depreciated (he can break, throw them) and even his relatives (he can hit his parents and shout at them).
  6. A kid can exercise despotism, forcing his family to do what he wants.

How to overcome the crisis 3 years?

Having dealt with the causes of the crisis and its manifestations, one can understand how to survive the crisis for 3 years. The most important thing for parents in this situation is not to emphasize the baby's attention to his bad deeds, nor to try to "fight" him demonstratively. But permissiveness, too, should not be. It will be very bad if the child draws conclusions that he can achieve his life with hysteria and blackmail.

Learn to distinguish between trying to manipulate you from real problems that can bother the child.

When the baby shows aggression, you need to try to switch his attention to something else. If this does not help - switch your own attention to other things. Having lost the "viewer" in your face, the baby will "cool down" faster. And, perhaps, the most important thing for the parents of a three-year-old child is to understand that the baby himself suffers much more from his bad behavior. Unnecessarily hard parents are brought up usually obediently obedient, weak-willed people with low self-esteem.

Always remind the crumb of your love regularly. From the strategy you choose, it depends whether the kid will keep his activity and persistence in achieving the goal. Behave like this with a child, as you would like, so that he behaved with others (including with you).