"The virus of early development" is a disease of modern parents

It is unlikely that there will be a parent who has never heard of the early development of children , its need, effectiveness and effectiveness. And how can one not think about educating a genius when there are so many newfangled techniques around, convincing that if you do not develop a child under three years old, then it will not grow out of him who is. Why, among the many generations that did not have the slightest idea of ​​early development, were there geniuses, talented and simply successful people? The question is rhetorical, but it makes you think.


Nobody argues with the fact that a developed child feels confident in a team, is easily trained and receives pleasure from school. The question is, for what exactly and what kind of development to achieve. The worst thing is when a child is terrorized by letters and figures only because the neighbor's boy is already reading at 2 years old. Moreover, a mother who heard this on the playground does not have to be convinced of her own eyes, one phrase is enough that the idea of ​​the inferiority of her child against the background of other geeks is firmly entrenched in the head ... Perhaps the main symptom of the disease of modern parents with the virus of early development can be called the desire to teach reading and account. But children learn the world through emotions, through what they see and hear, that is, numbers and letters have nothing to do with the formation of the picture of life, the comprehension of phenomena, objects, behavior, and much more.


If the parents bought up all the teaching aids, cubes and tablets in the book, hung out the rules of spelling and punctuation, the tables of Mendeleev, Bradys and somebody else, and made a clear schedule of classes with a one and a half year old, one can only sympathize with him and his parents. Unfortunately, such a desire as soon as possible to teach the school curriculum is often associated with the unfulfilled ambitions of the parents themselves. This is the desire to prove that I am the best mom or the best dad, since I have such a clever talented child.


There is one subtle psychological moment that is not accepted in the context of early development. Suppose that parents really manage to develop extraordinary abilities in a child, raise a child-child prodigy , teachers in a kindergarten praise him, then teachers in primary school who come to visit my mother's friends do not cease to admire the "Eugene Onegin" recited by heart, etc. Naturally, over the years of "training" the child has a feeling that he is special, and the saddest, the addiction is developed - the desire to teach is not because it is interesting, but because they encourage it. Gradually talented child in terms of development catch up with peers, to mature age, he becomes the same as all. Are you sure that he can take it painlessly? Are you sure that as an adult you can evaluate yourself objectively? Psychologists believe that such people often become unhappy. After all, in fact, there is a reverse process - not the development of the individual, but a certain loss of what was previously valued by others.


Trust your child! From his birth, a sea of ​​information collapses on him, which he successfully assimilates, just help him to know the world. After all, instead of teaching how The names of trees are written, you can walk around the park and learn to distinguish them. It is important not to limit the desire of the baby and not scold for achievements. For example, a child climbed onto the table, from which it can fall, most likely the mother will run up, let down to the floor and in a tone of warning tell how bad it is. And after all, he made a discovery, reached a new peak in a literal and figurative sense, and it is worthy of praise. This approach will be a development that will affect the formation of the individual. The kid likes books, so read him with the expression "Fedorino grief" at least 20 times in a row. Received from this communication with his mother, emotions will not be compared with those that he will receive, having read this work himself in two years.