Ration of a child in 1 year

During the first year of your life, your baby learned a lot and in many ways succeeded. This applies to nutrition. If earlier the basis of the ration of the baby was mother's milk and the mixture, now you can start to introduce new "adult" dishes.

Diet of a one-year-old child: how to avoid mistakes?

Surely you can not wait to offer your child a quick new food. But you do not need to hurry in such an important matter. It must be remembered that the chewing apparatus and the digestive system are not yet so developed and you can simply harm the crumb.

Remember that the ration of a one-year-old child should consist mostly of cereals, vegetable and meat purees. This form of food is most suitable for the chewing apparatus of crumbs. As for baby food, it is not necessary to give it up completely. In the case when there is no way to cook by yourself, it is the children's canned food that can help Mom very much. Now you can safely spice up the dishes with spices and spices: dill, parsley or celery, it is perfectly permissible to add basil or bay leaf. Remember the most important rule: a child should eat at least five meals a day in small portions. The fact is that the daily diet of a one-year-old child must completely cover the body's need for nutrients, but the stomach of crumbs has small dimensions.

In the diet of a child in 1 year necessarily include cereals. Cereals completely fill the body's need for the most important elements, so cook them out of porridges and add them to soups. Once a day, be sure to give me meat. Egg every three days and salads of fresh vegetables daily. At least once a day the body should receive sour-milk products and fresh fruit. As for drinking, compliance with the measure is very important. If you want to quickly offer the baby juice, it is best to dilute it with water. At what it is a full-fledged dessert and it should be given in moderation. If the baby wants to drink, then better offer him water or compote. Compliance with these simple rules will help to introduce into the child's diet all that is needed without danger to the digestive system of the body.

Diet in 1 year

Now we will stop in more detail on each group of products that you will enter into the diet of a one-year-old child.

  1. Cereals and vegetables. The basis of the menu at this age is porridge. This dish should be given to the baby every day. Offer different options: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, corn. As for macaroni, then with this dish it is better to wait a little. Gradually offer bread. To start better with white bread, you can try to give a little later. At any time of the year, try to give the crumbs to vegetables and fruits. It's better if it's seasonal products. In summer, everything should be fresh, and in winter it is perfectly permissible to make soup or mashed potatoes from fresh-frozen vegetables.
  2. Meat and fish products. In the diet of a child in 1 year, you must include meat. It is the source of protein, B vitamins and iron. Start with beef, veal, chicken and turkey meat, as well as rabbit dishes for children . After a while, enter the offal in the diet of a one-year-old child: heart, liver or tongue. All this should be served in the form of mashed potatoes, puddings or steam cutlets . A couple of times a week, prepare meat for the fish instead of meat. Suitable cod, pike perch or pollock. Try to diversify the diet as much as possible.

Now consider the approximate diet of a one-year-old baby for a day: