How to draw a house?

Many people like to work in their spare time. It's a great way to relax and even spend a family evening. You can portray an animal, a character in a book or a movie. And you can figure out how to draw a beautiful house. After all, every day passes by a huge number of buildings, so it will be interesting to depict some structure on a sheet of paper.

How to draw a wooden house?

Urban residents often see only stone buildings. Look at the house of logs can only be in the villages, and there are not all the townspeople. It is worth trying to independently represent such a house surrounded by nature.

  1. You should take a sheet of paper and draw a horizontal strip with a pencil.
  2. Then we need to draw a vertical line. This will be the corner of the house.
  3. Now we need to sketch the side wall. Its lower and upper part must necessarily converge at one point.
  4. The facade should be drawn so that the walls are connected at the point of descent, as in the figure.
  5. Now you can sketch the fragments of the roof.
  6. Next, we need to draw a foundation, a log under the roof, its top.
  7. You can draw windows.
  8. At this stage, you need to draw each log.
  9. Now it is worth drawing a window frame.
  10. Now we need to pay attention to such details as the pipe.
  11. In order to have a finished look, it is necessary to think over the surrounding landscape, that is, trees, bushes. Here you can give vent to your imagination.
  12. All the contours must be carefully covered with a black handle.
  13. Now you need to erase all unnecessary with the eraser.
  14. At the end of the work you can paint the house at will.

To understand how to draw a wooden house in pencil in stages, even a teenager can. Such a landscape can be given to one of the relatives or hung on the wall. Similarly, you can depict village houses, as well as fairy-tale huts of Baba Yaga.

How to draw a two-story house?

It will be interesting to try to depict a building with two floors. There are several options that will suit even inexperienced artists:

  1. The first step is to sketch out the contours of the house with a pencil.
  2. Now you should draw the base of the balcony, the roof, as well as some elements of the landscape.
  3. Next, you need to draw the details of the balcony and the first floor.
  4. At the final stage, you will need to work carefully with small things. It is necessary to draw windows and other parts of the house. Still worth paying attention to the clouds, trees.
  5. Drawing can be painted with paints or felt-tip pens.

It will be interesting to learn how to draw a pencil house with a courtyard and some buildings:

  1. First you need to sketch the frame of the building. It consists of 2 floors with a roof and a garage, which adjoins one of the walls. Then it is necessary to draw thin lines for further placement of other objects, for example, trees.
  2. Now you should depict the trees themselves, and also do not forget about the fences around the yard.
  3. Then with a soft pencil you need to circle all the contours of the building, garage, fencing. You can also make a gate or wicket in the yard.
  4. It remains to pay attention to different details. It's time to finish a small window in the garage, as well as a path.
  5. Now we need to draw all the trees, grass, and paving slabs. This will be the last stage of work on this picture.
  6. Another beautiful drawing is ready and it can be painted or shaded with a simple pencil.

So you can learn to portray a variety of buildings from rural to urban. Parents can themselves explain to children how to draw a house in stages. After all, this requires only a desire and patience.

How to draw a house for kids?

The smallest can be offered to try this option:

  1. First you need to draw a square. If desired, the kid can use the ruler.
  2. Now we need to draw a triangular roof.
  3. Let the child draw a window on the wall. And then you will need to add the outlines of the other sides of the roof and the wall.
  4. It remains to add details, for example, a door, a pipe. You can depict the logs of which the house is made.
  5. If you want to, you can decorate the picture.

Also, preschoolers will be approached by another way, with the help of which one can portray a fairy-tale hut:

  1. First we must sketch out the outline of the house.
  2. Next, a straight line needs to separate the wall from the roof, and also depict windows on them.
  3. You can add a line under the ruler straight lines to the sides of the roof and between it and the wall. Let him draw the windows and legs for the hut himself.
  4. Now you can paint the picture at your discretion.

A kid can hang his picture on a wall or store it in an album.