Can mushrooms be given to children?

Many people think that mushrooms are a rather useless food product, but this is far from being the case. They contain a large amount of protein, fiber, vitamins, in particular A, B1, B2, D, PP, C, as well as a multitude of trace elements, such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, etc. All this is very useful for human health, however, is it possible for children to eat mushrooms? Unfortunately, not every parent knows that even a white fungus or chanterelles can be deadly to children.

Why can not children mushrooms?

Initially, the digestive system of the child is not sufficiently developed, so it is not able to fully digest the "adult" food. The baby's body, in turn, does not produce enough enzymes that can process protein contained in mushrooms. As a result, the crumb can be poisoned even by the most edible fungus, which is surely collected in a non-hazardous area.

Without any doubt, mushrooms are rightfully considered the most difficult in mastering the product even for adults. Therefore, the question of the age at which mushrooms can be given to children, the answer will be obvious - to children under the age of 7 this product is absolutely contraindicated. At an older age, you can offer the child dishes with carefully chopped mushrooms and it is better that they are oyster mushrooms or champignons.

Symptoms of poisoning with fungi in children

As a rule, the time from the moment of poisoning by the fungi and before the manifestation of the first signs can last from one to ten hours. After, the child may experience abdominal pain, nausea, repeated vomiting and diarrhea, resulting in the child's body quickly dehydrating. The baby becomes pale, the tips of the fingers and lips acquire a blue tint, severe headaches begin, and then there may be seizures and loss of consciousness. Your task is to prevent such a development of events. First, call an ambulance urgently. Before the arrival of a doctor, drink the child with warm water and try to provoke vomiting, so as quickly as possible to clean the stomach of fungi and toxins. After this, it is possible to give the baby enterosorbents, for example activated charcoal. Further treatment of fungal poisoning in children is carried out by specialists in the toxicology department.

Everyone knows that mushrooms are the most powerful natural sorbents, which absorb a huge amount of toxic substances. Therefore, one should be careful in using them for food not only for children, but for adults too!