Cinnamon - good and bad

Cinnamon, as a spice, is very useful for humans. But, despite the fact that the benefits brought by cinnamon to the body are great, there are some contraindications to the use of spices. We will find out what experts think about the benefits and harms of cinnamon for the body.

Benefits and harms of cinnamon for health

Useful qualities of cinnamon are known for a long time. And in modern cosmetology, and in folk medicine, the remarkable properties of spices find their application. Cinnamon is rich in substances necessary for the human body. The composition of the spice includes:

It is thanks to the combination of components that cinnamon has a beneficial effect on the course of many physiological processes:

But cinnamon is not always useful for the body, and sometimes can cause harm.

The main contraindication to the use of cinnamon is individual intolerance. When allergies to aromatic seasoning are manifested, it should be discontinued once and for all.

When should you take cinnamon gently?

Diabetic patients, consuming food with popular spices, achieve a noticeable reduction in blood sugar levels. Included in the composition of cinnamon polyphenol helps in the assimilation of insulin. At the same time, you should know that you should not thinklessly try all the drugs offered by traditional medicine. So, for example, harm with taking cinnamon with honey with diabetes will be more than good, since the sweet product is almost 80% carbohydrates (sucrose, fructose, glucose).

Spice has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the muscle tissue of the heart, improves blood microcirculation. Also, the substances contained in cinnamon reduce the level of cholesterol, thus preventing the blockage of blood vessels and reducing the risk of heart attacks. At the same time, cinnamon along with the benefits can cause harm: in hypertension, it provokes a rise in blood pressure. Physicians are not advised to drink funds with cinnamon and when the temperature rises.

Aromatic spice activates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the purification of the liver and choleretic system, removing the decay products. But the same cinnamon, in addition to good, can harm the liver. Contained in the spice, coumarin refers to a number of substances that are conventionally harmful to humans. Entering the body in large quantities, it can cause disruption of the liver, and in some cases, cause a headache. Especially a lot of coumarin is found in Chinese cinnamon. In this regard, the treatment should give preference to other types of spices, for example, Ceylon cinnamon. In its pure form, spice irritates the walls of the stomach, and therefore it should not be used by patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Benefits and Harms of Cinnamon for Women

Especially it should be said about the benefits and harms of cinnamon for the woman's body. Means of traditional medicine with spice reduce pain in the post-menstrual period. Many ladies will be interested to know that spice promotes the conversion of sugar into energy. And this property of cinnamon is used by those who wish to lose weight. But pregnant cinnamon is better not to use, as it can provoke a miscarriage. But nursing mothers are recommended to drink tea with cinnamon and milk to improve lactation. In addition, in the first weeks after childbirth, consumption of cinnamon formulations leads to a reduction in the uterus, and this accelerates the recovery of the female body.