Feeding a child in 5 months

As a rule, it is in 5 months begin to lure the child. For babies who are on artificial or mixed feeding for 4-5 months - the optimal age for the introduction of complementary foods. At this stage of development, the child also needs nutrients, which can not fully provide the infant formula. And mother's milk is not always enough nutritious for a 5-month-old baby, and sometimes a kid by this age simply does not have enough of it. Knowingly, according to the recommendations of WHO (World Health Organization), the lure is started at 6 months. 5 months is already the beginning of the sixth month of your baby's life, so now is just the time to think about how to diversify the diet of his baby.

We introduce lure in 5 months

The first thing that a young mother should do when making a decision to start supplementary feeding in 5 months is to consult a pediatrician. This can be done by coming to another routine inspection. The doctor will evaluate the child's development indicators, help clarify the timing of the introduction of complementary foods, will recommend how to start feeding, and will outline the scheme for introducing new products.

What kind of food is recommended to a child in 5 months? In the diet of a child at 5 months, except for milk or milk formula, may already be present: vegetable and fruit purees, fruit juices, compotes, cereals, vegetable and butter. No more new products for up to 6 months are not needed. To specify the timeframe for the possible introduction of products for babies of 5 months will be helped by the table of complementary feeding of children up to a year , which you can find on our website. While checking with the proposed tables and all kinds of schedules of introduction and complementary feeding schemes, at 5 months or at any other age, it is necessary to remember that these are only recommendations, and not strict norms. Ultimately, as a result of studying the literature and based on the advice of a doctor, each mother develops her own scheme for introducing complementary foods.

Lure in 5 months - juices and compotes

Juices are usually introduced into the diet of infants rather early, often with 4 months. The first baby juice is, of course, the juice of a green apple. Begin with a few drops diluted with boiled water, then every day gradually increase the amount of juice (of course, provided that there is no allergic reaction or indigestion). By the end of the 5th month, the daily dose of fruit juice can be increased to 50 ml.

If on the juice the baby reacts with colic in the tummy, or you observe other reactions of intolerance, for example, an allergic rash, etc. - juices are better to prefer compotes of fresh or dried apples or prunes.

Feeding in 5 months - fruit purees

Fruit purees are also often introduced as early as 4 months. For the first acquaintance with fruit puree, as well as in the case of juices, the green apple is best suited - it is best absorbed by the children's organism, and the risk of allergy is minimal. It is best to start with a baked, not raw, apple - this is a more sparing option for the stomach. How to bake an apple to a child, read here . For the first time it will be enough ¼ teaspoon, then gradually increase the amount, bringing to the end of the 5th month up to 50 ml per day.

If your 5-month-old baby is already familiar with apple puree, at this age you can start to gradually introduce new fruits: pear, banana, apricot, peach. Each new fruit, let's crumb at first in a very small amount, separately or mixing it with puree from an already known fruit or vegetable. To correctly assess the reaction of the child's body to a new product, you should not enter more than one "innovation" per week.

Feeding in 5 months - vegetable puree

Vegetable puree is introduced into the feeding of infants, starting from 5 months. Due to its homogeneous consistency, zucchini, potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli are best suited for the first time. A little later you can give the child orange vegetables: a pumpkin and carrots, but with caution - brightly colored fruits and vegetables are more likely to provoke an allergy. The scheme for introducing new vegetables is the same as in the case of fruit: we introduce no more than one new vegetable per week, we increase the dose from 1 / 4-1 / 2 teaspoons to 100 g per day by the end of the 5th month. If the child does not like this or that vegetable - do not force, try another.

To feed the child with canned puree of industrial production or to prepare vegetables independently - the choice is left for the parents. Let's just say that it's better to buy cans in a pharmacy, paying attention to expiration dates, and vegetables and fruits are preferable to those grown in your region (except, of course, bananas and other exotics).

Nevertheless, if time permits, it is better to cook vegetable puree from fresh or frozen vegetables yourself. In fact, it takes not so much time, especially since now almost every kitchen has at least a simple model of the blender. If your baby was born in winter or spring, then to his 5-6 month old age at your disposal will be a huge selection of seasonal summer-autumn vegetables and fruits. Feel free to buy them in the markets and shops and prepare delicious and varied purees for your crumbs. But mothers of summer and autumn children will have to take care of supplies for winter and spring in advance: buy seasonal zucchini, pumpkin or other vegetables on the market, wash and clean them, slice them and freeze. And in winter or spring, when it's time to introduce the lure, get your supplies from the freezer, cook and prepare a useful and safe mashed potatoes.

In the finished cooled mashed potatoes, add a teaspoon of olive or sunflower unrefined oil.

Lure in 5 months - porridge

Another product that can be introduced into the baby's diet at 5 months is cereals in the form of cereals. Begin, as a rule, with oatmeal. Then they introduce the baby to buckwheat, rice, corn porridge.

You can cook baby porridge from regular cereal or cereal, pre-grinding them into flour. Cook porridges for 5-month-old children on the water, you can add breast milk or milk formula (cow milk to 5-month-old children is contraindicated), and also a little bit of sugar. But it's simpler, cleaner and safer than special baby porridges, which are offered by many manufacturers of baby food. Such porridges are bred with boiled water at a temperature of about 40 ° C, which makes it possible to preserve the useful properties of porridge; Do not wait for it to cool; and also to regulate the consistency from enough thick (to feed the baby from the spoon) to the liquid (to give from a bottle with a special pacifier for cereals).

The quantity of porridge as well as any new product should be increased gradually, starting with 1-2 teaspoons and bringing to the end of the 5th month to 50-100 g. A small slice of butter can be added to the ready-made thick breakfast porridge.

Feeding the baby in 5 months

A 5-month-old baby is fed 5-6 times a day. In the second day feeding usually give porridge and fruit purees, in the third - vegetable purees and fruit juices. In the remaining feedings, the child receives breast milk or milk formula.