Ales Stenar

In the Swedish province of Skåne there is an unusual attraction , Ales Stenar (Ales Stenar). It is by its mysticism and the number of mysteries is not inferior to the famous Stonehenge.

general information

Ales Stenar is a series of 59 large boulders (quartz sandstones). They are built vertically and dug into the ground to a depth of 0.75 m. The distance between each stone is 70 cm, and the weight of some of them reaches 5 tons.

The stone structure has the shape of a ship, the length of which is 67 m, and the width is 19 m. The structure of Ales Steenar is 32 m above sea level and is the largest in the world. In general in Scandinavia there are several similar structures of boulders.

According to the results of radiocarbon analysis, the landmark is 1400 years old. The researchers took only 6 samples. As a result, 5 of them showed a period between 400 and 900 AD. One sample (from the outside of Ales Stenar) dates from 3300-3600 BC.

This difference causes a lot of hypotheses and assumptions among historians and researchers. In 1950, the construction began to restore, while the work was done roughly, with the help of heavy equipment and without observing the technology. This fact makes archaeological excavations very difficult.

Hypotheses about the origin

At present, it is not known exactly who created such a structure, and for what purpose. The sights are surrounded by riddles that have no answers. The most common assumptions are:

  1. Burial places. The indigenous people always believed that the greatest Viking leader was buried here. True, archaeologists exclude the possibility that the structures are ancient tombs, since No trace of this was found.
  2. Monument to sunken frigates - stones symbolize ships that did not return home. Each of them is a real rook, and the ritual itself is closely related to the theory of the transmigration of the soul.
  3. Ritual and agricultural calendar. This is one of the most convincing versions. In summer the sun sets in the north-western part of the structure, and in the winter it rises from the opposite side. This fact made it possible to closely monitor the season, sowing and harvesting.
  4. Sundial and astronomical functions. The position of the stern of the "ship" accurately indicates the time and a certain point on the horizon in the days of the winter and summer solstice. Several scientists in different centuries have confirmed this theory. For example, Dr. Kurt Roslund suggested that the two sides of the ship form mirror parabolas, thanks to which you can calculate the time.
  5. Religious significance. The shape of the ship, which resembles a sculpture, symbolizes a certain ritual of the Vikings. On ships, they sent the last of the soldiers who fell on the battlefield.

Features of visit

Ales Stenar is considered one of the most important monuments among the inhabitants of Scandinavia. More than 700 thousand tourists visit it every year. There is a belief that it is necessary to come here at sunset, so as to maximally feel the energy of the structure.

Many travelers believe in the legend that if you bypass Ales Stenar clockwise and touch a hand to each stone, then you will provide yourself with a charge of energy and good luck for a whole year.

Nearby attractions are cozy restaurants where you can try seafood.

How to get there?

Ales Steenar is located on the southern coast of the country, near the fishing village of Koseberg on a ridge of hills. From Stockholm you can get here by train. The stop is called Ystad, from where it will be necessary to transfer to bus number 392. The journey takes about 6.5 hours.