Non-developing pregnancy in the early stages

A non-developing (otherwise, frozen) pregnancy in the early stages is perhaps the main cause of miscarriage. With this pathology, inhibition of embryo development occurs, and as a result, it dies. Also, the variety of this disease is referred to as the so-called empty fetal egg , i.e. When the egg is fertilized and the embryo is not formed.

What leads to the development of a frozen pregnancy?

The reasons for the undeveloped pregnancy are quite numerous. The most common are:

Is it possible to determine an undeveloped pregnancy?

In most cases, this pathology develops at 8-12 weeks of a normal current pregnancy. It is at this time that the fetus is very susceptible to various influences. Also, you need to be especially careful at 3-4 and 8-11 weeks.

The first signs of an undeveloped pregnancy to recognize a woman on their own is very difficult. As a rule, a pregnant woman does not bother with anything, except for mild indisposition, fatigue, which no one pays attention to.

In order to timely identify an undeveloped pregnancy, every woman should know the symptoms of this pathology, and as soon as possible seek qualified medical help. The main ones are:

Also a sign of the development of a frozen pregnancy in the second and subsequent trimesters may be a complete absence of fetal movements.

Treatment of a stiff pregnancy

Many women, having found out in themselves some signs of an undeveloped pregnancy, simply do not know what to do. The first step is to contact a doctor who, after a thorough examination and examination, will establish the correct diagnosis.

If a woman is diagnosed with an "undeveloped pregnancy," the only treatment option is scraping, and then further preservation of the fetus is impossible.