How to help a child learn the multiplication table?

Even if your child is good at math and easily solves simple examples, parents should not relax as soon as their child has sat down at the school desk. The multiplication table refers to basic mathematical knowledge, but many children remember it with great difficulty. This is due both to the peculiarities of children's thinking, which is still far from abstract, and to the fact that a teacher in a class with a large number of children can not physically realize an individual approach in teaching each ward. Therefore, it is very important for parents who will have to do this themselves, it is very important to know how to help a child learn the multiplication table.

The most important algorithms for remembering the multiplication table

For each kid it is necessary to choose the most effective way of learning the multiplication table. One child has an excellent memory and is able to remember everything mechanically, while for his peers it will be necessary to use additional means: posters, poems, various mnemonic techniques, etc. If you are interested in how to help your child quickly learn the multiplication table, pay attention to the following ways:

  1. Start learning not from boring cramming, but from a normal account. To do this, together with the baby, count threes, quads, fives or tens. Explain that 30 is, for example, ten triples (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3), six fives (5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5) or three tens (10 + 10 + 10). This will help the student understand the logical principle of the multiplication table.
  2. The multiplication table will seem to your child much easier if you start to learn it with multiplication by 1 and 10. The kid quickly learns that when multiplying by 1 the number does not change, and when multiplying by 10 - you just need to add zero to it.
  3. If you are at a loss how to help a young mathematician learn the multiplication table, ask him to multiply any number from one to ten by two. To do this, you need to explain to the child that in this case the given number needs to be folded with itself. For example, 5 * 2 is 5 + 5, 7 * 2 is 7 + 7, etc. Addition is usually given to the student much easier, which means that the process of memorization will go faster.
  4. The child should understand that the answer does not change from the change in the places of the factors. That is, 4 * 6 is the same as 6 * 4. Thus, you will save a lot of time while studying the multiplication table.
  5. It is very important to understand how to help the second-grader learn the multiplication table. At this age, it is already possible to apply the method of memorizing "key places". They include the square of numbers: 5 * 5, 8 * 8, 3 * 3, etc. They serve as a reference point for solving other examples. For example, if a child remembers that 9 * 9 is 81, he will easily understand how much will be 9 * 8 - for this it is only necessary to take away from 81 the number 9.
  6. Many educators recommend parents who care how to help a child learn the multiplication table, to furnish it in the form of a game. To do this, make on the cardboard special cards with examples of type 7 * 4 =? or 8 * 3 =?. The kid pulls a random card from the stack and must give the correct answer. If he can not do this, the card is again mixed with the others and a small player can pull it out again.
  7. It is very easy to remember the multiplication by 5. If the child multiplies an even number by it, at the end of the result it will be necessarily 0, and if odd, then 5.
  8. Teach your child not according to the classical multiplication table in the form of examples, which is usually shown on the cover of the notebook, but from the more graphic table of Pythagoras. Children with well-developed visual memory usually remember it much faster.
  9. Use poems that any kid will gladly learn. For example, he certainly will like this "mathematical" poetry:

Pupils and students!

To make it easier for you to consider,

We Pythagorov table

They decided to write in verse.

It is easy to find a solution on it,

Verse is enough to read,

And to remember the calculations,

Everywhere there is a clue!

Well, we will not postpone,

We'll get a notebook and a pencil

And we'll get down to business smartly.

So, at the start comes TWO!

Multiplying two by one,

We get a TWO - swan-bird,

Every student saves

From these "birds" his diary.

It is known to children in the whole world,

That twice two equals FOUR.

They should also take into account,

That twice three will get SIX.

Two by four - will be EIGHT.

And all the guys we really ask

Forget whims, quarrels, laziness

On the eighth of March - in my mother's day!

We need to multiply two by five,

And if we all go together,

Yes podnatuzhimsya, guys,

Then immediately get into TEN!

The fact that twice six is ​​TWELVE,

The calendar will tell you, brothers,

And it gives you a hint

Twelve months a year!

Beautifully two by seven multiply

February holiday will help us,

Day of all lovers, I remember -

FOURTEEN, friends!

And how many will be twice eight,

We ask ten-graders.

They will tell us the answer,

After all, they are sixteen years old!

Remember to try,

That twice nine is EIGHTEEN.

And it's very easy to guess,

That twice ten - will be TWENTY!

We tried our best

And with deuce quickly figured out.

Now, friends, stay steadfast,

The game already enters the TROIKA!

Multiplying three by one,

We find ourselves on the page

From the book of fairy tales for the guys

About THREE cheerful pigs!

That three times two is equal to SIX,

Answer in the crib peeped!

And three times three, we'll decide for ourselves,

Equal to the SHEEK UP THE FEET.

Three by four multiplying,

I imagine the dial

And I imagine immediately,

How to beat the clock TWELVE times.

That three times five is FIFT,

It should be easy to remember.

Imagine how the school's first-graders

Play fun in the spots!

Multiply three by six in two counts,

Rather, it becomes hunting for adults!

You know, the years are fast racing,

You look, you already EIGHTEEN!

Multiply three by seven,

And this is easy for us,

After all, three times seven - one answer,

It turns out TWENTY ONE!

And how many will be three times eight,

During the day we will cope with the question,

After all, in the day, as is known in the world,

Hours are only TWENTY-FOUR!

We'll tell a secret to everyone,

That three times nine is TWENTY-SEVEN.

And it was necessary so to happen,

That three times ten will be THIRTY!

Well, here's the top three overcame,

Fortunately, we, fortunately, did not have time.

And affairs are still immense,

We are ahead of FOURTHWAY!

Four by one multiplying,

We can not change it,

In production with unit

Must the FOUR turn out!

Four by two - will be EIGHT,

Eight on the nose, we'll sketch,

Suddenly, you and me

Eight as a pince-nez?

Four by three how to multiply?

Have to go to the winter forest,

TWELVE months will help

In the winter, find the snowdrops!

Multiply four by four,

Such an example is easy to solve!

In the work of this only

Sixteen can be obtained!

For you, four out of five

The musketeers will multiply dexterously,

With the enemies of the sword again crossing

In the novel "Twenty years later".

We multiply four by six

And as a result, what will happen?

There are hours, minutes are running ...

TWENTY-FOUR - exactly a day!

Four by seven - TWENTY EIGHT -

The days are usually in February.

And to check all we ask

Search for the answer in the calendar!

Multiply four by eight,

And THIRTY-TWO - the answer sounds.

At the person it is equal so much

In the mouth of teeth in the prime of life!

Multiply four by nine -

You will receive exactly THIRTY-SIX,

Well, and multiply by ten,

Write more courageously FORTY here!

The worm behind remained,

Another figure seemed ...

And we have to remember

We multiply with the figure FIVE!

Multiplying five by one,

We can easily get FIVE!

And our folding table

We continue to study further.

And five by two, I want to note,

To multiply simply - there will be a TEN!

The answer is always in your hands:

He's wearing mittens and socks!

Multiply five by three together,

We need a little time.

FIFTENEEN received at once -

We recovered in a quarter of an hour!

How to multiply five by four,

Will give an answer in the air!

Look at the screen you

TWENTY-ONE MuzTV video clips!

And five-five is a well-known answer,

It is sung in a children's song,

And every schoolboy should know,

That here we get TWENTY-FIVE!

Five by six is ​​multiplied,

In the end, we get the THIRD.

And five-seven - it's easy to take it -

The answer is short: THIRTY-FIVE!

And how many will be five eight,

Ali Babu from a fairy tale we ask.

When he got to the bandits,

He counted them all FORTY!

Friends, I want to tell you,

That five-nine - FORTY FIVE,

And each of the guys knows,

That five ten - FIFTY!

Five times we calculated

And they are not tired at all.

Decide next! There are forces!

Now let's figure SIX!

Six by one - SHEESTERKA left,

And outside the window the guitar is audible!

And songs are sung at night by the moon

Under the overflows of six-stringed.

We multiply the six by two -

TWELVE we get exactly.

At twelve at night each year

New Year comes to our house!

Six by three - only EIGHTEEN!

In such years, you can, brothers,

Marry, get married,

We drive the car!

A simple example of "six four"

We were like you!

Think about it in half a minute ...

TWENTY-FOUR - again day!

And six-five - we get THIRTY,

Here the dial is useful to us:

Big arrow on the watch

Will show exactly half an hour!

And, truly, six by six times

Again, the song will help,

In her words the decision is:

Six by six will be THIRTY-SIX.

"Six by seven" multiplication is taught,

We'll get a clue in the shoe,

After all, many men wear

FORTY-SECOND size shoes!

That six eight is FORTY-EIGHT,

The boa constrictor explained,

But he himself is only thirty-eight

He was "in parrots"!

We decided six and nine.

We will receive FIFTY-FOUR!

And everyone is happy to answer us,

That six-ten is SIXTY!

Friends, great work!

With the six coped in two scores!

And further we offer to all

Solve examples with the number SEVEN!

"Family one" - find the answer

Help tsvetik-semitsvetik!

After all, in such, as he flowers,

SEVEN multicolored petals!

Seven by two we multiply simply,

FOURTEEN - good age,

In fact at this age fine

Guys get a passport!

That the family of three is TWENTY ONE,

The important gentleman told us,

Let's ask him:

"Four of four?" TWENTY EIGHT!

Multiply seven by five! Done!

The answer is a friend - THIRTY-FIVE!

Let's ask thirty-three cows

Pound him more loudly!

For all, Valery Syutkin sang,

That six seven is a simple answer,


He's underground every day!

Do you want to multiply seven by seven?

We can give everyone a hint:

Look, "FORTY-NINE" can

Only once in the table to meet!

And multiplying seven by eight,

FIFTY SIX the answer will be given!

People travel around the city

A bus with a number like that!

We multiply the seven by nine,

It will be SIXTY-THREE.

And with "seven ten" everything is all right,

It's exactly SEVENTY, look!

So, with the seven of us in the calculation,

And figure EIGHT on the way!

In order not to lose time for nothing,

Let's start, brothers, multiply!

Eight times one

Underwater inhabitant of octopus,

He can not walk on land,

Though it has EIGHT legs!

And eight for two - know, brothers,

The true decision is SIXTEEN!

And eight to three - do not forget?

The answer "in hours" is TWENTY-FOUR!

Multiply eight by four,

Here only THIRTY-TWO, friends,

Although in Lukomorye they said

About thirty-three heroes!

Multiply eight by five -

Here is the FORTY, there are no options!

And here's a tip-proverb:

"For forty troubles - one answer!"

Eight for six times -

It turns out FORTY-EIGHT here!

Well and seven multiplied, we can

We get - FIFTY SIX!

At eight eight have learned,

We multiply without errors,

And exactly SIXTY FOUR

Should indicate in the answer!

We multiply by nine by eight.

Here is the result: SEVENTY TWO!

At ten eight, we answer:

Here EIGHT, gentlemen!

Hooray! Eight have prevailed!

Another jerk, and we are at the target!

But to start in order

We are committed to multiplying NINE!

Multiply nine by one,

The history of the country is flashing,

Let every citizen remember

On the glorious day - NINE May!

Multiply nine by two simply,

And in order not to forget the answer,

Remember: your "civil" age

Will start in Eighteen years!

"Nine on three," we believe aloud,

Here is the TWENTY-SEVEN - there is a solution!

And multiply by four -

Get exactly THIRTY SIX!

It's not at all difficult to learn

At five-nine multiply!

It should end up in the end

Productions FORTY FIVE!

And to multiply nine by six,

We do not need to do anything!

We have been through this,

In the answer - FIFTY-FOUR!

And here is the clever Malvina

Diligently learns Pinocchio,

And he says to him: "Look,

Nine Seven - SIXTY-THREE "!

Nine eight is the task,

Come on, work, head!

But luck did not fail us,

We give the answer - SEVENTY TWO!

We multiply nine by nine,

The answer in the table is checked,

And it is equal, apparently,


The last example remains,

And he immediately succumbs to us!

Nine ten is easy!

In the answer - exactly NINETY!