Problem education in primary school

Studying at school is a long and complex process. The child enters the first class, being still very small, and finishes the school already almost an adult, having behind him a solid baggage of knowledge. These knowledge should be accumulated gradually, year after year, constantly repeating the material passed and mastering new information.

The pedagogical methods used today are numerous and varied. Every good teacher strives to find his approach to the students, which is especially important for the children who have just set foot on the path to knowledge. And one of such methods is the problem approach in the teaching of younger schoolchildren. It consists in the following: children are offered not only to listen and remember new information for them, but to make their own conclusions in the process of solving the problem posed by the teacher.

This method of problem-based learning has proven itself in the primary school, since many first-graders find it difficult to switch from the form of education used in preschool education to "serious" schooling, and problem-based learning to some extent resembles a game. In addition, here every child takes an active position, trying independently to find the answer to the question or solve the problem, and not just sitting at the desk and cramming incomprehensible material for him. In short, problem training is a progressive and effective way to instill in children love and the pursuit of knowledge.

Psychological bases of problem training

The main psychological conditions of this method are as follows:

Stages and forms of problem learning

Since the methodology of problem training is closely related to active thinking activity, its process can also be presented in the form of the corresponding stages:

  1. The child gets acquainted with the problem situation.
  2. He analyzes it and identifies a problem that requires a solution.
  3. Then the process of solving the problem directly follows.
  4. The student draws conclusions, checking whether he has correctly solved the task assigned to him.

Problem training is a kind of creative process that changes with the level of development of students. Based There are three forms of problem training: