Social environment of adolescents

In adolescence, the primary importance is acquired by the system of relationships with the surrounding and social environment, which in turn determines the direction of the teenager's mental development. Manifestations of adolescence are determined by specific social circumstances and by changing the place of a teenager in society. The teenager enters into a new relationship with the adult world and, consequently, his social position in the family, school, on the street changes. In the family, he is assigned more responsible duties, and he himself strives for more "adult" roles, copying the behavior of older comrades. The meaning of the notion of the adolescent's social environment includes the totality of relations that are formed in society, ideas and values ​​that are aimed at the development of the individual. Communicating in a social environment, adolescents actively develop norms, goals and means of behavior, develop evaluation criteria for themselves and others.

Social environment of adolescents - a scheme


the next Wednesday
(family, relatives, friends, classmates)

long-range environment
(neighbors, media, Internet, school students)

has a direct impact
(communication, conversation, actions, personal example)

has an indirect effect
(rumors, transfers, actions)

Under normal conditions in school and at home, the next environment has a big impact on the actions, thoughts and views of the teenager: he listens to the opinion of parents, communicates well with friends. If a teenager does not find understanding among people from the immediate environment, then the distant environment (the world of strangers) can have a greater impact on the mind, outlook and behavior of the adolescent than people from the inner circle. The further from the teenager there is a circle of dialogue, the it is less than trust to it tests. Parents or school, which for some reason lose credibility for a teenager, are beyond the circle of his trust.

The impact of the social environment on adolescents

Psychologists say that the adolescent's dependence on the social environment is as pronounced as possible. By all his actions and actions, the teenager is oriented towards the society.

For the sake of status and recognition, adolescents can make rash sacrifices, enter into conflict with the closest people, change their values.

The social environment can influence the adolescent, both positively and negatively. The degree of influence of the social environment depends on the authority of the participants and the adolescent himself.

Positive influence Bad influence
• Sports, participation in social activities, new hobbies; • Acquisition of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
• establishment of friendly relations; • acquisition and development of negative personal qualities;
• acquisition and development of positive personal qualities; • imitation of informal leaders;
• Improvement of studies. • deterioration of studies.

Influence of communication with peers on adolescents

Speaking about the influence of the social environment on the formation of the personality and behavior of a teenager, one should consider the specifics of communicating with peers.

Communication is important for several reasons:

External manifestations of communicative behavior are based on contradictions: on the one hand the teenager wants to be "like everyone else," and on the other, at all costs, seeks to stand out and excel.

Influence of communication with parents on adolescents

In adolescence, the process of emancipating a teenager from parents begins and a certain level of independence is achieved. In the transition age, emotional dependence on parents begins to weigh on the adolescent, and he wants to build a new system of relations, the center of which will be himself. Young people form their own system of values, which is often radically different from the one that parents adhere to. Thanks to the accumulated knowledge and experience, the adolescent has an important need for awareness of his personality and his place among people.

To help the adolescent successfully adapt to the society, the immediate environment should be flexible and wise.