Epileptoid psychopathy

Strangely enough, but the characteristics of some mental diseases can begin with a list of positive qualities. So, with epileptoid psychopathy pedantry, punctuality, earthiness, sobriety in calculations and cautiousness to unfamiliar things are observed. This completes the "positive" disease.

Picture disease

Dysphoria is the most characteristic phenomenon in the epileptoid type of psychopathy. The essence of this effect is that the patient is constantly in a grouchy, dissatisfied and irritated mood, himself looking for pretexts for "explosions." This is the affective side of the disease, which is stable and lasting.

With epileptoid psychopathy, a tendency to sadism appears, ruthlessness toward a weaker opponent, in the families of such people, beating, abuse, aggression are frequent. Patients prefer strong drinks and tobacco, at the same time, alcoholic intoxication not only harms them physically, but also "pulls the trigger" - then, in most cases, it comes to grave crimes.

Patients with this diagnosis prefer pyromania as entertainment, they require life from acute impressions. At the same time, they can become careerists, achieve great success in their fields of activity, but can not work in pairs or in a group.


Treatment of epileptoid psychopathy takes place in a hospital, because most often, patients are dangerous to themselves and others. Sedatives, neuroleptics, tranquilizers, as well as psychotherapy are used.

In the case of adolescents and children of epileptic nature, family psychotherapy should be used to help them socialize. Children should be helped to find an individual hobby - private lessons with sports instructors, tutors.