Indoor hibiscus

Many of us have seen a beautiful hibiscus flower of the Malva genus decorating the flowerbeds in the summer season with its bright, colorful flowering. But do everyone know that there are also indoor species of hibiscus or, as it is often called, a Chinese rose? It blossoms no less beautifully, and it is very easy to grow a room flower hibiscus. Let's find out what is needed for this.

Care of room hibiscus

This houseplant is very unpretentious - it is resistant to short-term droughts, lack of lighting and even drafts! That's why the Chinese rose is often used to decorate not only home, but also office space.

First you need to choose a place for your pet. Ideally, this should be a western or eastern window, but it is also possible to place hibiscus on the north side. If the light is not enough, your flower will not die and will not wither - it just will not bloom.

You can determine the pot and the southern window, only in this case it is necessary to put it as far as possible from the glass, and in the summer time - also to additionally pritenyat, protecting the plant from the direct rays of the sun.

Many house flowers do not like when they are moved from place to place, and room hibiscus is no exception. It is especially dangerous to do this during the bud formation - the flower can simply dump them , if at that time to change its location.

The temperature of the content of this flower in the apartment conditions ranges from 18 to 27 ° C. In the winter it is 18-21 ° C - it is not recommended to lower below, because in too cold a plant, the plant can lose its foliage. In summer, hibiscus will be comfortable at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C, well, a critical point is 27 ° C.

As for watering, then on average it should be done twice a week, and in the heat - even more often. In winter, on the contrary, the number of watering should be reduced, especially if the room is cool - otherwise the risk of decaying the root system of the flower is high. Understand that your pet needs watering, it's easy: if the top layer of the earth in the pot is dry, then it's time to water!

Soil mixture in which an adult plant will feel good is a turfy land. Young plants are better kept in a lighter soil with the addition of peat.

An important point of care is pruning room hibiscus. In order for the plant to have a beautiful decorative form, in spring its stems should be cut in half. As a result of such actions, the bush will be compact, and the number of buds will increase. After pruning, the flower should be transplanted into fresh soil. Do not take for this too much capacity - hibiscuses should be kept in a slightly cramped pot. Take care that your hibiscus does not stretch, and if it does happen, know that pruning is allowed even during growth.

And, of course, any novice florist wants to know when the indoor hibiscus blossoms. If the plant is good in the conditions that you provided to it, it will continuously blossom from the end of spring and until late autumn. Hibiscus can simultaneously bloom a lot of buds, the number of which depends on the age and size of the plant itself. Flowers of the room Hibiscus large and very attractive look in the interior.

And finally, let's find out how the hibiscus room multiplies. There are several ways to multiply:

Root plants are better at an ideal temperature of 18 ° C. It is recommended to propagate this flower in the spring, in extreme cases - in the beginning of summer. Spring cuttings of hibiscus usually bloom in the same summer.